Atari 8-bit Night mode ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Agent USA Alley Cat Archon Archon II: Adept Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration A.D. 2044Back to top B Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomBack to top C Crush, Crumble & Chomp!Back to top D Dark Crystal, The Datestones of RynBack to top E ElectricianBack to top F Final LegacyBack to top G Gateway to Apshai GyrussBack to top H Hellfire Warrior HERO HighriseBack to top I Into The Eagle’s NestBack to top L Leather Goddesses of Phobos Lurking Horror, TheBack to top M Montezuma’s Revenge Morloc’s Tower Murder on the ZinderneufBack to top N NYC: The Big AppleBack to top P PengoBack to top Q Questprobe Featuring Human Torch and the Thing Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man Questprobe Featuring The HulkBack to top R Realm of Impossibility Rush N’ AttackBack to top S Satan’s Hollow Scramble / Super Cobra Seven Cities of Gold, The Shamus Shamus: Case II Softporn Adventure / Las Vegas Spelunker StarQuest: Rescue at Rigel Star WarriorBack to top T Temple of Apshai The Goonies (US/EU Computer)Back to top U Ultima III: Exodus Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress Ultima IV: Quest Of The Avatar Ultima I: First Age Of DarknessBack to top