All posts by Bryan Cebulski


This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Mansion of Hidden Souls

If you’re going to dip your feet into any of the waters of the Mansion of Hidden Souls games, Lunacy is probably

Mansion of Hidden Souls (Sega CD)

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Mansion of Hidden Souls

FMV games carry an interesting legacy. Broadly defined, FMV games are simply games which incorporate video files in an interactive

Mansion of Hidden Souls, The (Saturn)

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Mansion of Hidden Souls

Released on the more powerful Sega Saturn, The Mansion of Hidden Souls doesn’t manage to capture the awkward charm of its

Kathy Rain

It’s been talked to death, but it bears mentioning that probably nothing will ever quite match the weirdness of Twin Peaks.

Blackwell Epiphany, The

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Blackwell

Epiphany finds the two heroes a few months after the events of Deception. Rosa is now unofficially working with detective Sam Durkin,

Blackwell Deception, The

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Blackwell

Deception is a tricky entry. In some respects it’s the best to date. But it also has the drawback of feeling

Blackwell Convergence, The

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Blackwell

Since both titles were originally planned to be parts of one game, The Blackwell Convergence concludes the arc set up in Unbound. This

Blackwell Unbound

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Blackwell

The content of Blackwell Unbound was originally conceived as a series of flashbacks to occur sporadically throughout Convergence, but Gilbert’s ambition proved too

Blackwell Legacy, The

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Blackwell

Wadjet Eye Games is one of the most reliable names in indie games, founded by Dave and Janet Gilbert in


Sexuality and violence are the norm in popular current-gen video games, but the intention is commercial rather than artistic. Sillier

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