Shinobi (3DS)
Seven years after the last proper installment on the PS2, Shinobi returned in 2011 on the 3DS. In Japan appropriately …
Virtua Fighter (Anime)
As one of Japan’s hottest fighting game franchises, Virtua Fighter of course had to be made into an animated series, which comes …
Virtua Fighter 2
By merit of its inventing a new subgenre, Virtua Fighter had the arcades all to itself. The sequel, however, needed to deal …
Virtua Fighter 5
Despite the long time in between releases, Virtua Fighter 5 doesn’t differ that much from its predecessor. Sure, it is built upon …
Virtua Fighter 4
Between myriads of merchandise articles, spin-offs and the home port of Virtua Fighter 3, it took AM2 five long years to …
Fighters Megamix
While Sega continued milking the Virtua Fighter franchise, at the same time it started many attempts to branch out its fighting game …
Virtua Fighter 3
Virtua Fighter 3 is an odd anomaly in the series. On one hand, it defined the modern take on Virtua Fighter, and …
Virtua Fighter Kids
Virtua Fighter Kids is a product that could only have been made at the height of the Virtua Fighter craze – it’s basically …
Wizardry Mobile Games & Other Media
Mobile Games Besides several ports of the Lllylgamyn trilogy, Success thoroughly exploited their license to bring many original scenarios to …
Wizardry 8
Just as quickly as classic CRPGs had “died”, they rose again after Diablo, Fallout and Ultima Online had demonstrated that the label didn’t have to …