Gateway to Apshai
It seems like Automated Simulations had planned a third major Dunjonquest episode after Temple of Apshai and Hellfire Warrior. In an article he wrote for …
Crush, Crumble & Chomp!
And now for something completely different! Crush, Crumble and Chomp: The Movie Monster Game puts you in the shoes of one of …
Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
2008 was not the year of the Prince. While Prince of Persia (2008) was the weakest since Prince of Persia 3D, the Nintendo …
Prince of Persia: Harem Adventures
Shortly before Ubisoft should bring back the Prince in full swing, then budding mobile game developer Gameloft filled in the …
Final Zone (Genesis)
While Telenet released its official sequel to Final Zone, the by now independent Wolf Team was working on this spin-off. While …
Desperado 2
In 1991 Topo Soft granted its Gun.Smoke clone something the original never got: A numbered sequel. After the surprisingly decent rip-off/ports follows …
Wanted / Outlaw
Infogrames’ Wanted was another blatant clone of Gun.Smoke, but unlike Desperado, it wasn’t officially adopted into the franchise. Yet its hardly distinguishable from its …
Secret Files: Tunguska
Adventure games may have died in North America around the turn of the century, but they continued to have a …
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
“Rex: LOG ON. Ah, there we go! This is Rex Nebular, making his first official log entry, aboard the fastest, …