All posts by Sam Derboo


One of the more interesting video game genres is that of racing. As one of the earlier types of games

Tale of Two Kingdoms, A

Maeldun Whiteblade, hero of the uprising that stopped the expansionism of King Vortigern of Theylinn, is now a guest in


There’s been a growing resentment with some aspects of the indie game scene in communities lately. Some people feel that

Shadow of Memories

Time Travel in Video Games Time travel stories hold an universal appeal to mankind. Be it simple visits as a

Rocky Horror Show, The

The Rocky Horror Show is one of the most amusingly insane musicals ever conceived (at least for the first ten

Ring Cycle

The late Mike Singleton used to be one of the heroes of the UK developer scene. His early fame was

Double Dragon Advance

This entry is part 13 of 20 in the series Double Dragon

Double Dragon started out strong, but the next few sequels didn’t really take the chance to evolve much. In fact, most

Double Dragon (Neo Geo)

This entry is part 11 of 20 in the series Double Dragon

By the mid-nineties, belt-scrolling arcade brawlers where just kind of over, which makes it understandable that Technōs final attempt in

Double Dragon V

This entry is part 10 of 20 in the series Double Dragon

Written By Ed Burns Apparently, the Double Dragon animated series hadn’t done enough damage to the franchise on its own. Among a

Super Double Dragon

This entry is part 8 of 20 in the series Double Dragon

After the far-out and mediocre Double Dragon 3, Super Double Dragon marks a return to form for the series. Developed exclusively for the

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