All posts by Elliott Mack

Shotgun King

Check out our Top 47,858 Games of All Time episode on Shotgun King! There are few competitive activities which would

Sonic Generations

This entry is part of 27 in the series Sonic the Hedgehog

Your experience with Sonic Generations will depend on whether or not you are a fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog

Outlast 2

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Outlast

If there’s one thing that can be said for Outlast 2, it’s definitely ambitious. The original game created tense horror

Outlast: Whistleblower

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Outlast

Outlast was an instant success when it was released in September 2013. The in-your-face horror of the infrequent jump-scares, coupled


This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Outlast

Outlast is a game you could certainly describe as a guilty pleasure. A survival horror game set in an asylum

Jenny LeClue: Detectivú

It’s hardly the most important feature to draw attention to, but any and all discussions on the relative merits of

I Wanna Be the Guy

You might think that the best time to examine a trendsetting video game would be at the height of its


LIMBO is the debut title from Playdead ApS, a Copenhagen-based development team headed by former IO Interactive (the folks behind

Legend of Bum-bo, The

If you’re familiar with the work of Edmund McMillen (Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, and many, many Flash


While there’s nothing inherently negative about the terms ‘Souls-like’ or ‘Metroidvania’, you could hardly say that the indie scene had

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