Riddled Corpses
Do you like anime? Do you like shooting zombies? Well then your pickings for video games have mainly been garbage …
Quake III: Arena
Releasing just a month after Epic beat them to the punch with Unreal Tournament, Quake III: Arena is the moment …
Jade Empire
After getting their foot in the door in the RPG world with their Baldur’s Gate games, BioWare brought out two …
EYE: Divine Cybermancy
On the outer edges of the gaming world, there are a few games beloved for just how strange, obtuse, or …
Paradise Killer
At some point in time, a mobile dev named Phil Crabtree and a big game industry vet named Oli Clarke …
Advent Rising
There are a few games out there with a sort of legendary status behind them for the most unfortunate of …
Phantom Dust
Yukio Futatsugi has had a really strange career. He’s shown extremely impressive creativity, but he’s tended to stick around major …