All posts by Kurt Kalata

Nickname: Discoalucard Contact info: Email Head Editor.


Japanese developer TAD Corp was formed by a handful of former Data East employees in the late 80s. They were

Mystic Formula

Micro Cabin’s PC Engine game Mystic Formula is one of those games that shows quite a bit of promise. It’s a run-and-gun

Patreon Exclusive Podcast Episodes

The Top 47,585 Games of All Times publishes two episodes per week for regular listeners, but Patreon donors receive a

HG101 at A Video Game Con this weekend in Parsippany NJ

We’ll be at A Video Game Con this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8th 2019, at the Parsippany

Child of Eden

In 2001, Sega and United Game Artists published Rez, a rail shooter that combined graphics and audio into a dazzling

McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure

In the late 1980s and early 90s, there were a handful of platformers tie-ins with McDonald’s fast food. They were


To understand Midway’s drug-busting arcade game NARC, you first need some background of American politics of the era. While the

Xain’d Sleena

Technos was primarily known for beat-em-ups like Renegade and Double Dragon, or assorted wrestling games. Their second game, before they

Collector Postcards and Other New Patreon Goodies for 2019!

We’ve introduced some exciting new additions to our Patreon! (1) Collector’s Postcards I think one of the coolest things about

More HG101 Books Featured in the Latest Storybundle

The latest Storybundle features not just one, not two, but three HG101 ebooks! If you pay $5, you’ll get a

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