Cannon Dancer – Osman
Game companies seldom keep all of their founding members on the team. After his tenure at Capcom, Strider director Kouichi …

Isolated Warrior
This game is featured in our new NES Cult Classics book! Please check it out! Isometric video games were all …

Atlantis no Nazo
During the mid/later years of the NES, Sunsoft was known for creating a number of quality titles, starting with Blaster …

Demon’s World
Toaplan was best known for their vertical shoot-em-ups in the vein of Fire Shark and Batsugun, but they were capable …

Over Horizon
Hot-B was one of those really odd game companies that never really hit the big time. You could say they …

Strider (2014)
Strider was basically dead again after the release of Strider 2, and it took more than a decade for Hiryu …

Journey to Silius
Sunsoft is one of many underappreciated developers who rose to prominence during the reign of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Somewhere …

Panic Restaurant
Panic Restaurant is one of the many late NES releases to fall between the cracks, and it is unfortunate that it …

China Warrior
China Warrior is about Bruce Lee fighting his way through armies of Gregorian monks and sentient rocks and twigs. No, your …