Category: Interview

Nate Huang (PO’ed Interview)

With special appearance by Brian Yen!   After years of being a die-hard fan of PO’ed on the Sony Playstation,

Jon Ritman (Interview)

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Monster Max

Aside from a “making of” feature in Retro Gamer issue 130, there wasn’t a lot of information available on Monster

Corey Cole (Interview)

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Quest for Glory

Sierra’s Quest for Glory series was designed and programmed by the husband and wife team of Corey and Lori Cole.

Ryuichi Nishizawa (UPL – Interview)

UPL Corporation (“Universal Play Land”) was at the forefront of the Japanese arcade development scene. Though relatively obscure outside of

Robert Woodhead (Interview)

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series Wizardy

Robert Woodhead is headed into zero-gravity, and he’s bringing his camera. The Wizardry co-creator will climb aboard an aircraft and perform a

Yoshiro Kimura (Interview)

Photo by Daniel Feit from Inside Japan’s Indie Games Fest, Where Crazy Is Mandatory Q: You love travelling and have

Interview with Ed Del Castillo

Known for his important role in Command and Conquer’s creation, Ed Del Castillo has a very lengthy resume in the

Shinichi Sakamoto (Interview)

Shinichi Sakamoto was a composer at Westone Bit Entertainment, creating music for several of their titles, along with some occasional


Toshiaki Sakoda (Interview)

Toshiaki Sakoda was a composer who worked for Compile during the late 80s and early 90s. Beyond providing music to classics

Ryuichi Nishizawa (Wonder Boy – Interview)

This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Wonder Boy

Ryuichi Nishizawa is one of the founders of Westone Bit Entertainment – the name of the company is derived from

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