Armor Souls - Blue | |
Alastor MP: 3/time Summons a sword familiar, exactly like Symphony of the Night, to follow behind you. |
Alura Une MP: 60/time Heals you. A lot. |
Big Golem MP: 5/time I'd be a little freaked out if I had a gigantic rock being attached to my back. |
Black Panther MP: 2/time Dash really fast. Create some momentum and you can actually do damage. |
Bone Pillar MP: 30/time A neat flamethrower attack. |
Buer MP: 5/time Little flames will rotate around Soma. Similar to the Jupiter+Salamander combo from Circle of the Moon. |
Cagnazzo MP: 5/time Similar to the stands from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a demon will emerge from you and punch madly. |
Cateoblepas MP: 15/time Similar to the Bone Pillar attacks, except it will turn enemies to stone. |
Creaking Skull MP: 5/time A giant skeleton arm emerges from Soma's back to whack enemies senseless. |
Curly MP: 30/time One of the three monsters you can transform into that simply charges forward. |
Death MP: 10/time If you've played any other Castlevania, you've probably cursed the Grim Reaper's ability to materialize scythes out of midair and send them around the screen. And now you've turned the tables. |
Devil MP: 30/time Big demon runs straight forward, smashing stuff, like Curly. |
Final Guard MP: 60/time Creates a shield to block all enemy attacks. |
Flying Armor MP: 5/time Hold down the R button when you jump, and you can float. |
Giant Bat MP: 30/time Mimic Alucard by turning into a bat. |
Giant Ghost MP: 5/time Creates a protective barrier that reflects enemy projectiles. |
Great Armor MP: 60/time Increases your strenth by 120% and surrounds you with red lightning crackles. |
Imp MP: 3/time Another familiar, just like the devil from Symphony. |
Manticore MP: 30/time The third of the summon beasts. |
Medusa Head MP: 10/time You can freeze yourself in midair. Pretty useful, actually. |
Persephone MP: 15/time One of the more interesting skills, you attack with a demonic vacuum cleaner that sucks life from enemies. |
Shadow Knight MP: 5/time Another ghosts that emerges from Soma and attacks right after you attack. |
Sky Fish MP: 60/time Causes Soma to pray. The longer you play, the longer your strength and luck are boosted. Unfortunately, it's not very long no matter what. |
Witch MP: 3/time Creates a shield to repel bullets. |