Black Orb |
Rapid Slash
Hearts: 8/6
Runner up for "most badass attack", IMO anyway, Leon rushes forward, attacking with hands and feet, looks mighty nice with the blade effects, but not practical
Blade Serpent
Hearts: 12/9
Earns "most badass attack" award, Leon makes a ten foot serpent made entirely of knives, attacks any enemies and lasts a while
Six Saints
Hearts: 15/11
Why the black orb makes an attack called "saints" is beyond me, six crosses appear in a circle around Leon and fire homing lasers, not as strong as you'd think, lasts a while though
Holy Water:
Energy Wave
Hearts: 8/6
Leon socks the ground again, causing a wave of holy water to home in on a target, strong, and the homing property makes up for lag time
Vanish Storm
Hearts: 12/9
Not quite sure, Leon jumps into the air and holds posture as… a storm I guess, emits from him, pummeling enemies in front of him badly, lasts a while