Annette Renard
1792 - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

Kidnapped in both versions of Dracula X, Annette Renard, Richter's girlfriend, is used as bait to lure Richter in Dracula's foreboding clutches. As an even more dastardly deed, if you fail to rescue her in the SNES version, the evil spirits will possess her and she will turn into a witch, attacking on the top of the Clock Tower. If you save her, then you'll get the good ending. Since Maria is referred to as Richter's sister-in-law in Symphony of the Night, it can be assumed that the couple was married and she became Annette Belmont.

The Crystal Knight
1698 - CastleVania 2: Simon's Quest

Not much is known about the Crystal Knight. Found in two towns in Castlevania 2, this knight seems to be very interestedin trading various types of crystals. Gaining these crystals is vital to your quest, so this knight is rather important.

The Ferryman
1698 - CastleVania 2: Simon's Quest
1792 - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood
1797 - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night
1844 - CastleVania: Legacy of Darkness

Although the Ferryman is most likely modeled after Charon, the boatman over the River Styx (the waterway to Hell) he still seems to be a human. Although unsure whether his life is eternal or whether he is a mortal, the Ferryman will ultimately prove to aid adventurers, if they show the correct items.In Castlevania 2, the Ferryman will transport you across rivers, and sometimes can only be persuaded to go certain places if you have proof of your powers (like finding Dracula's heart.) In Dracula X Duo, he will appear hidden a few times to transport you, and will take you through underwater caves in Symphony of the Night (but will only open an underwater door if you have the Mermaid Statue.) He mutters cryptic phrases like "Sure! I'll take you to a good place!" and "I'll take you to meet your destiny!"

The Master Librarian
1792 - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night

The Long Library needs a keeper, and that is the job of the Master Librarian in Symphony of the Night (also known as the Shopkeeper.) Most likely an immortal (as he disappears and reappears with the castle), he is faithful to Dracula...unless he can bought over by Alucard.

1852 - CastleVania 64

This charming little boy and very good violin player is in all reality Dracula himself. Unknown to the hero when you first meet him, you risk life and limb to get him out of the Villa hedge maze. After that, you don't see the child until the Castle Center stage, where a huge hint of who he really is will be revealed to you. If you do not beat the game in the amount of time to recieve the good ending, you will see Reinhart rescure the boy. If you beat it with Carrie, he will try to court her, knowing that her powers would make himself more powerful. If you get the good endings, Vincent will save you by dousing Malus in holy water.

1792 - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

Iris is a minor character that was kidnapped in Dracula X D uo. The daughter of the town doctor, Iris will treat the wounds of Richter or Maria when they come to break her out of her hidden cell, underneath a bridge in level 4'.

1792 - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night

Lisa is the only woman in the world in which the Count Dracula has ever loved, and is the mother of Alucard. Being pure human, she stirred up such emotion inside Count Dracula that no one else had ever done. A medical doctor, she was treating some victims when an angry mob lynched her, supposedly for practicing witchcraft. Count Dracula blamed the ignorance of humans for his beloved's death, and thus set himself on destroying them. Yet he never knew her last words: "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, do not them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot."

Quincey Morris
Thanks to Andrew Modeen Although Quincey does not directly appear in any Castlevania game, he is still worthy of mention, as he is a member of the Belmont bloodline and is the father of John Morris. Quincey was an American who joined Jonathan Harker and Dr. Van Helsing to kill Dracula, and it was he who dug his bowie knife into the heart of Dracula. Shortly afterward, he died of wounds inflicted by the gypsies, all while his son John was watching his father in the distance.

1852 - CastleVania 64

This salesdemon is unknown until you reach the Villa. When you go to the Hedge Maze the first time, you will be treated with a cut-scene and a very polite introduction, explaining that "even in hell there is a need for money." Whenever you find a contract, you pick it up and Renon appears. He then opens his suitcase and you are free to buy what you need. There is a catch to this gratuitous cache of buying, however; if you use too much money, you will have to fight him in his demon form before you fight Dracula. Don't spend over 30,000....

1852 - CastleVania 64

The beautiful girl names Rosa keeps after the flowers in the flower garden. She waters her roses every morning at 3. There, you find out she is a vampire. Not because she's been bitten, but Dracula's power has taken over her soul. Because of this, she doesn't make an attempt to attack you. As Reinhart, you have just introduced yourself to a major plot elemtent. At one point, Death takes over her mind and has her attack you. Still, Reinhart senses something in her and doesn't kill her. She then risks her life for you when you fight Death before the clock tower. If you get Reinhart's good ending, you will meet her one last time. A rose falls from the sky. When the rose touches the ground, it transforms into Rosa, but she is now human. Her and Reinhart then watch the castle crumble together as lovers.

1844 - CastleVania: Legacy of Darkness

Cornell calls Ada his sister, though in reality, they are not blood-related. She was adopted by him at a very young age after her family was killed by his man-beast tribe, and Cornell feels more connection with her than anybody else. She is the driving force behind Cornell's quest into Castlevania.

Charles Vincent
1852 - CastleVania 64

A Van-Helsing-like vampire hunter, Charles is decked out with almost every possible item to drive away vampires - it seems rather ironic that he seems to spend most of his days sleeping in the castle or wandering around in one room, giving advice to anyone else who passed though. Once driven however, Vincent can show his true vampire killing prowess.

Solieyu Belmont
1591 - CastleVania: Belmont's Revenge

Thanks to Eric Roman The son of Christopher Belmont. On his fourteenth birthday, a sacred ritual was held that granted him the title of Vampire Hunter. During the night, Dracula swept into his bedroom and used these special powers to give him more strength, turning Solieyu into an evil demon and capturing him in the progess. It was Christopher's job to find him and bring his son back. Near the extremes of Dracula's castle, a possessed Solieyu fought his father, but Christopher drove away the evil powers controlling him.

1792 - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

Tera is another character, like Iris, that was kidnapped by Dracula is his raidings of the town. A nun at the church, Tera spends her time praying in her cell hidden underneath a cemetary in level 3', until Richter or Maria comes to rescue her.

Morris Baldwin
1830 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

A master vampire hunter who, despite his age, has not yet retired. He is training his son Hugh and his friend Nathan Graves to follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately, his old age has left him a bit weakened, and he is kidnapped by Dracula.

Hugh Baldwin
1830 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Morris' hot-blooded son is full of potential. However, his father favors Nathan as his heir and is filled with jealousy because of it. His jealousy and arrogances leads to Hugh's possession by the dark forces within Castlevania.

Lydie Erlange
1748 - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

A childhood friend of Juste and Maxim, this quiet girl plays a very tiny role - simply as fodder to be captured, yet again. She is to be sacrified to Dracula in order to fully restore his power.

The Merchant
1748 - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

This bizarre merchant somehow ended up whisked away to Dracula's castle. Trapped inside its walls, the Merchant simply sets up shop and sells goods to any poor soul that may pass by.

Mina Hakuba
2035 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Childhood friend of Soma Cruz, Mina is a keeper of her family's shrine. When Soma and her are warped inside the castle, she is injured and waits outside the castle gates while Soma finds a way out. Throughout the journey, she shows support and will give an occasional hint on where to go next. She is most likely named after Mina Harker from the Dracula novel.

Genya Arikado
2035 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

This dark-haired, business suit-clad man seems suspicious, but knows much about Soma's power. He spends most of his time in the background, but provides help when necessary. And yes, he is who you think he is, as it is not-so-subtly nudged at more than a few times. The kanji for "Genya" also means "illusion" and "Arikado" means "to have horns", suggesting both that his name is a disguise, and that he is of evil lineage.

Yoko Belnades
2035 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Descent of Sypha and Carrie, Yoko is a member of the church, though she hardly looks like a nun. Flirty and a bit of ditz, Yoko nonetheless shares valuable information with Soma as she journeys throughout the castle.

2035 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Hammer was sent by the army to investigate the shrine, and was also whisked away to the castle. Confused and irritated by this, he decides to set up shop outside of the castle and sell the various goods he had aquired. He seems brash and tough, but that's just a cover up for his friendly demeanor.

Rinaldo Gandolfi
1094 - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Rinaldo is an alchemist who, oddly enough, lives outside of Walter's castle. Bearing a grudge against the vampire for killing his daugher, Rinaldo seeks vengeance by aiding other hunters, as he is too old himself for any slaying. He doesn't care enough to give away his items for free, unfortunately. In spite of this, he does bestow upon Leon his whip and an enchanged gauntlet.

Sara Trantoul
1094 - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Sara is Leon's fiancee, and is once again a damsel in distress, kidnapped by Walter. (highlight for spoilers) When she is rescued, Sara divulges she has already been bitten by Walter and is doomed. Only by sacrificing herself to be entwined with the sacred whip can Walter be striken down.

Elisabetha Cronqvist
1094 - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Matthias' wife who falls ill and dies before the game begins. She's never actually in the game, other than the prologue storyline. However, she bears a resemblance to Lisa, Dracula's future wife, for reasons that haven't fully been explained.


CastleVania©, and all associated video games, music, characters, etc. are copyright by Konami.