Jeff Demos as Alucard for Halloween
Jeff Demos #2!
Eric Roman as Richter for Halloween
The Symphony of the Night group at Otakon 2001
Richter at Otakon 2001
Max Bricault as Richter at a medieval wedding
Max Bricault as Richter at a medieval wedding
Jean-Marc Kerkerian at Anime North 2001 as Hugh Baldwin
Marcy Shulman as Dracula at Otakon 2002
Cosplayers at European anime convention, suppled by Fred Belmont
Got a costume of a Castlevania character? Have a site with other Castlevania cosplayers? E-mail them to me! Drop me a line too if you want your name and e-mail up here as well (for those cool people I ran into at Otakon!)


CastleVania©, and all associated video games, music, characters, etc. are copyright by Konami.