_________________________ 02/19/1999 7:27 PM ______________________________
____________________ Castlevania (64/3D) FAQ/Walkthru _____________________
____________________________ Version 1.3 __________________________________
 _____  _____    __  _____  _      ____ __      _  _____  _    _  _  _____
|  ___||     |  / _||_   _|| |    |  __|\ \    / /|     ||  \ | || ||     |
| |    | |\  | / /    | |  | |    | |__  \ \  / / | |\  ||   \| || || |\  |
| |    |  _  | \ \    | |  | |    |  __|  \ \/ /  |  _  || |\   || ||  _  |
| |___ | | | | _\ \   | |  | |___ | |__    \  /   | | | || | \  || || | | |
|_____||_| |_||___|   |_|  |_____||____|    \/    |_| |_||_|  \_||_||_| |_|

This Place Swarms With Demons! You Have Entered The Castle Of Hell !!
                                                       - Villager 

                Written By Anthony Hartley (Antookis)
                            ICQ: 5838229

                      WebSite http://wulf.8m.com 
              ======== Sentinel Entertainment ========
    Home For All My Works And A Few Good Lynx, Not Updated Often

                   WebSite #2 http://eva64.8m.com
            ===== Neon Genesis Evangelion Online =====
 A Info Center For The Upcoming Eva N64 Game, Not Updated Much Either

                  The most recent version of this FAQ
                   is available at www.Gamefaqs.com
            Also Check Out My MegaMan Legends FAQ/Walkthru
                     Both In English & Spanish !!

SYSTEM: Nintendo 64
TITLE: Castlevania
GENRE: Action/Adventure/RPG
DEVELOPER: KCEK (Konami Computer Entertainment Kobe)
AVAILABILITY: Japan & North America
ESRB Rating: Teen
MSRP: $49.95

 )))))))))))))))) Table Of Contents (((((((((((((((((((

(1).  Introduction
(2).  Version Updates
(3).  Official History
(4).  Cast Of Castlevania
(5).  Options
(6).  Location Guide
(7).  Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
(8).  Getting Started
(9).  Beginning: Forest Of Silence
(10). Castle Wall
(11). Villa
(12). Garden Maze
(13). Tunnels
(14). Castle Center
(15). Duel Towers
(16). Tower Of Execution
(17). Normal Items
(18). Special Weapons
(19). GameShark / Pro Action Replay Codes
(20). Enemy Glossary
(21). Multimedia
(22). Disclaimer / Thanx

[1] )))))))))))))))) Introduction (((((((((((((((((((

 First off I would like to thank anyone who reads this walkthru and uses 
it to the fullest. Second, this walkthru is NOT 100% complete, nor will 
it EVER be. However, it does cover almost everything that is in the 

 Second, as with many FAQs you find in this format, this document should 
be viewed in Courier New (Baltic) or (Western) at size 10 or this 
document will be well out of whack.

 Third, let me make this very clear from the start. This is a 
FAQ/Walkthru for the NEW Castlevania game for the Nintendo 64, not the 
classic NES version. Konami has simply named it Castlevania instead of 
Castlevania 64 or 3D just to confuse people and plus the 64 and 3D 
endings just plain sound bad.

 After writing my first walkthru for MegaMan Legends I discovered two 
things about writing a FAQ.
1) If you devote enough time to it, it can be a breeze.
2) You become the center of attention on that one game. Any and Every 
question goes to you.

 After getting well over 300 e-mails and having a 90 plus contact list 
for ICQ, I decided it was time to move on. I checked some games out, but 
they just went bad. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins didn't had too little to 
write about and Zelda: Ocarina of Time had too much to write about, not 
to mention it was done by around thirty other people.

 Castlevania is another matter. It involves everything I like. Death, 
Role Playing, More Death and Big Bosses. Being the 17th in it's series, 
Castlevania has plenty to live up to, especially Castlevania Symphony of 
the Night, one of the PSX's best games. Well on with the guide! 


[2] )))))))))))))))) Version Updates (((((((((((((((((((

Version 1.3  2/12/99

- Fourth edition of FAQ/Walkthru.
- Changed Main ACSII Art Title.
- More levels added for Walkthru.
- Cast section updated with better look, more characters and more info.
- Enemy Glossary IMPROVED

Version 1.2  2/1/99

- Third edition of FAQ/Walkthru.
- Added Endings and Replay features.
- Enemy list section added.
- GameShark Codes section added.
- Minor changes made to Walkthru, Thanx, History and Multimedia.

Version 1.1  1/27/99

- Second edition of FAQ/Walkthru. 
- Early version of Walkthru included.
- More Background info on the cast.
- Info of multimedia such as Box Art and Television airing and Contents.

Version 1.0  1/19/99

- First edition of FAQ/Walkthru. Walkthru Not Available.
- Contains Two cast members with full background.
- Full History of EVERY Castlevania game included with info, plot, title       
and release.
- All Special Weapons listed and explained.
- All Normal Items listed and explained.
- Also includes the sly Disclaimer and Thanx section.

[3] )))))))))))))))) Official History ((((((((((((((((((

[ Haunted Castle (1986) | Arcade Only ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| The first in the series, it  | Simon just got married, but |
| was not released on any      | Drac comes and ,of course,  |
| console but only in the      | takes the bride away. Simon |
| arcades. For a decade old    | now goes after Drac to      |
| game, this one holds up      | secure the Belmont family   |
| with excellent hand drawn    | and save his wife!          |
| art and original gameplay.   |                             |

[ Vampire Killer (1986) | MSX Home PC ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Boy, do I wish I had a MSX.  | Simon Belmont is out to     |
| With the cooler version  of  | kill the Count. Why?        |
| Solid Snake, Snatcher and    | Probley because he has      |
| now this. Pretty much an     | nothing better to do!       |
| early version of the NES     |                             |
| Castlevania.                 |					 |

[ Castlevania (1987) | Nintendo Entertainment System ]
[                    |   IBM PC                      ]
[                    |   Amiga Home Computer         ]
[                    |   Commodore 64                ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| The first one every released | Dracula now rises every 100 |
| in the United States. Very   | years so it is still up to  |
| classic gameplay and old the | Simon to take him down      |
| good stuff you know so well. | hard!                       |

[Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest (1988) | Nintendo Entertainment System]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Quest offered much different | It turns out that Drac put  |
| gameplay, allowing Simon to  | a curse on poor Simon.      |
| venture from town to town    | Now Simon must find all of  |
| while dusk and dawn came     | Dracs body parts and burn   |
| often. Good music and        | them. Good 'ol family fun!  |
| improved look for the NES.   |                             |

[ Konami World (1988) | Nintendo Famicom ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| By heart, this is not really | Konami Man and Konami Girl  |
| a Castlevania game at all.   | warp from Konami game to    |
| It is a collection of Konami | Konami game trying to set   |
| games that you get to play   | things right. Very odd      |
| each level of a Konami game  | stuff.                      |
| with a hero or heroine.      |                             |
| Castlevania is one of those  |                             |
| levels.                      |                             |

[ Castlevania Adventure (1989) | Nintendo GameBoy ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Castlevania for the GameBoy  | Take the plot description   |
| Long, slow, boring and HARD. | from the first Castlevania  |                          
|                              | and replace the name Simon  |
|                              | with Christopher. Easy.      |

[Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse (1990) | Nintendo Entertainment System]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Very cool stuff here. Not    |  Trevor Belmont is Simon's  |
| do you get to play as Trevor | Great Grandfather and he has|
| but also three other players | a bone to pick with Drac.   |
| more layers, music and all   | Alucard and the rest are    |
| classic gameplay returns!    | here!                       |

[ Super Castlevania 4 (1991) | Super NES ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Castlevania 16 bit style.    | Simon is back once again    |
| Lots of new whip styles and  | and this is simply seen by  |
| very cool levels plus the    | some as a 16 bit remake of  |
| great bosses and well        | the original.               |
| rounded play.                |                             |

[ Castlevania 2 Belmont's Revenge (1991) | Nintendo GameBoy ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| All around better GameBoy    | Solieyu Belmont , the son   |
| conversion. Better jumping   | of Christopher is kidnapped |
| and sound as well as better  | by Dracula before the turn  |
| graphics.                    | of adulthood so now         |
|                              | Christopher is on the hunt  |
|                              | once again.                 |

[ Vampire Killer Dracula X   | PC Engine Super CD-ROM 2]
[ The Circle Of Blood (1993) |                         ]         
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| My favorite of them all!     | Richter's girlfriend, Anette|
| Anime cut-scenes, the best   | and her sister Maria were   |
| bosses and the better        | kidnapped so it's off for   |
| version of Richter!          | everyone's favorite vampire |
|                              | Dracula.                    |

[ Kid Dracula (1993) | Nintendo Entertainment System]
[                    | Nintendo GameBoy             ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                             |
| Big characters and whacky    | Alucard wants to be a good  |
| gameplay, but too off and    | guy so he goes off as a kid |
| too simplistic to actually   | and beats up ugly looking   |
| be called a Castlevania      | monsters.                   |
| game.                        |                             |

[ Castlevania: Bloodlines (1994)  | Sega Genesis ]
[ Castlevania: The Next Generation|              ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                            |
| Back to old school           | Countess Bartley (Drac's   |
| (I love saying that) action  | niece) has arisen and now  |
| and nice boss design.        | the new vampire slayers,   |
| Nice to see the Castlevania  | John and Eric are off to   |
| series expand onto other     | stop here from bringing    |
| systems.                     | Drac back.                 |

[ Castlevania: Dracula X (1995) | Super Nintendo Entertainment System ]
[ Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss   |                                     ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                            |
| Dracula X is a chopped up    | Follows the same storyline |
| version of the PC Engine     | as the PC Engine version.  |
| game. It is not as detailed  |                            |
| but does offer good gameplay.|                            |

[ Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (1997) | Sony Playstation ]
[                                             Sega Saturn      ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                            |
| Possibly the best Castlevania| Richter is gone, Maria is  |
| game ever. With RPG elements,| on the hunt and Alucard    |
| good storyline, great 2D     | has awakened to finish the |
| effects and plenty of classic| bloodline. Plenty to go    |
| gameplay, this one tops many | around here.               |
| others.                      |                            |

[ Castlevania Legends (1998) | Nintendo Gameboy ]
[INFO]________________________ [PLOT]________________________
|                              |                            |
| The third installment for    | An interesting twist here, |
| the Gameboy. Not half bad    | it starts with the mother  |
| but nothing really new to    | of Trevor, Sonia Belmont.  |
| offer.                       | She begins it all here.    |
|                              | Time for Drac to experience|
|                              | something new... Death.    |

[4] )))))))))))) The Cast Of Castlevania ((((((((((((((

|                       REINHARDT SCHNEIDER                            |

Occupation:       Vampire Killer
Age:              25
Height:           183 cm
Weight:           78 kg
Likes:            Whip-Dagger-Axe-Holy~Water-Cross Training......
Dislikes:         Vampires, Zombies, Vampire~Zombies
Main Weapon:      Whip
Second Weapon:    Dagger

 Say this one seven times fast. The male role of the game goes to 
Schneider, a fur wearing, whip cracking, knife slashing all around 
vampire hunter. Schneider himself is actually a calm fellow, taking time 
to understand problems but something else resides within him. 

The most recent in line from the long line of Belmonts who have devoted 
their lives to be vampire killer. However, the memories of these heroes, 
Ralph, Simon and Richter, who have helped these blighted lands has faded 
with time. He receives a warning from his father,

"Some day, you may have no choice except to fight."

After Reihnhardt's father, Michael passes away, Reihnhardt accepts his 
destiny to be a vampire hunter, and trains daily in the mountains of his 
homeland of Vallakia

As the 10th year in the mountains approaches the end, incidents of 
monsters attacking children lost in the woods increase. Reihnhardt 
senses the increased activity in a sign of the return of the dark lord 
and emerges from the mountain. He seeks out Priest Samuel, the only one 
that remembers the past, to undo the seal on the symbol of the Vampire 
Killer, the holy whip, heirloom of the Belmont clan.

With weapon in hand, he is a figure of justice from the Belmont family. 
Many find this individual to be dark and unapproachable, however the 
reality of the man is a individual of deep responsibility, silent and 
cool, where underneath a heart burns with fighting spirit. 

|                         CARRIE FERNANDEZ                             |

Occupation:       Magican
Age:              12
Height:           142 cm
Weight:           35 kg
Likes:            Cool Costumes, Speaking Spanish
Dislikes:         The undead, Dracula, Bad Doggies
Main Weapon:      Energy Blast
Second Weapon:    Razor Rings

Carrie Fernandez is one of the last known descendants from a Spanish 
family travelling throughout Europe. The family was rumored to have 
great magic in the form of a magic orb, however this could never be 
proven. Though, there were stories of a travelling group that had great 
success in repelling marauding of their wagon train, human and 

This success was not to last however, when the Patriarchal figurehead of 
the Fernadez family came under the curse of Dracula and virtually 
obliterated the family. The survivors fled and were thought to have 

Years later, an orphaned child was found to have a talent for magic. She 
was a gentle, fragile looking child. Her adopted mother traced her 
origin back to a travelling band that had thought to have been 
destroyed. Along with tracing Carrie's heritage, it was discovered that 
her real parents were condemned as evil by villagers frightened by 
anything that they could not understand. These memories of her mother 
being burned by the villagers haunt her to the point that she suspends 
her belief in a god that did not seem to care and also mistrusting of 

Tragedy strikes again in Carrie's life when a demonic forces come to 
ravage their village. Her foster mother is killed while diving to save 
her. Her grief and terror unlock a greater power within Carrie, a power 
to create an orb, which she unleashes at the demon that bears down upon 
her. The orb strikes the beast the writhes in agony as it is banished 
back to the pit. She vows to stop the terror and heads to the castle.

|                     COUNT VLAD "Dracula" TEPES                       |

 Ruler of Transylvania and all vampires, he rises again every one 
hundred years, only to be killed by a member of the Belmont line of 
vampire hunters.  The only exception to this was when he arose without 
warning in the late 1800s by the dark priest Shaft, only to be put back 
down by his own son, Adrian Fahrenheit "Alucard" Tepes  

|                          MICHEAL GELHART                             |

 The father of Reinhart, he also practiced and trained in the art of 
vampire killing (sounds kinda fun, huh?). While not much is known of his 
past, Gelhart raised his son to understand what he would become. Gelhart 
is no longer, but he has left the legacy of the Belmont to Schneider.

|                           PRIEST SAMUEL                              |

 The only one who knows of the lands past. He is the only one who can 
reveal the symbol of the vampire hunter, unleashing the holy whip.

|                          CHARLIE VINCENT                             |

 A very cocky vampire hunter who thinks he can take Dracula on all by 
himself. He may be very surprised in the end...

|                               MALUS                                  |
 A young boy who became lost in the castle after his parents were 

|                               RENON                                  |

 A businessman who sets up shop wherever death and destruction are 
prevalent. Did we mention that he's a demon?

|                                ROSA                                  |

 A young woman tainted by the curse of the vampire.  She is employed by 
Dracula to water his roses.

[5] ))))))))))))))))))) Options (((((((((((((((((((((((

Here are the options Castlevania offers from the start screen. Nothing 
much to tell the truth, but it is the standard fair. To choose the 
button Config. or Sound Mode, Just hit A and the scroll up or down for 
more options. Some directions taken from the manual.

\\\\\ Button Config./////

Type A (Default)

Control Stick ------- Move, Walk, Run, Turn
Press the Control Stick in the direction you want to go to walk. Press 
it further down to run. Press it quickly in the opposite direction when 
walking to turn around.

Z ------------------- Crouch
Your normal duck motion.

Z + Control Stick --- Lower Walk
This is your duck position movement.

Control Stick + Z --- Slide
While running hit Z, some enemies can be injured this way.

A -------------------- Vertical Jump

Control Stick + A --- Moving Jump
While moving, press A and the character will perform a jump in the 
direction they were facing.

B --------------------- Main Attack
The use of the whip or energy balls.

Upward C ------------- Camera Position Change
This makes the camera change it's angle. This action is not available at 
all times.
             Normal View = Basic behind character position
             Battle View = Focuses more on enemies
             Action View = Best used for hard jumps

Upward C + Control Stick -- 1st Person
This moves the camera into 1st person view, use the control stick to 
look around.

Right C --------------- Talk, Pick up, Unlock, Open Door
Your basic all around action button.

Left C ---------------- Short Range Weapon
This will use Schneider's Dagger or Carrie's Ring for attack.

Down C ---------------- Special Item Use
To use Crosses, Knives, Holy Water and Axes.

R --------------------- Lock-On
This will lock-on to your nearest enemy.

L --------------------- No Use

Start ----------------- Menu
This allows you to pause the game, the game clock, you can use your 
items, Change the Options or even Quit.

Type B

Control Stick --------- Run, Walk, Turn, Stop
Z --------------------- Crouch
Z + Control Stick ----- Lower Walk
A --------------------- Vertical Jump
Control Stick + A ----- Moving Jump
Control Stick + Z ----  Slide
Right C --------------- Action
Start ----------------- Menu
R --------------------- Lock-On
B --------------------- Main Attack
Left C ---------------- 2nd Attack
Downward C ------------ Special Item

Type C

Control Stick --------- Run, Walk, Turn, Stop
R --------------------- Crouch
R + Control Stick ----- Lower Walk
A --------------------- Vertical Jump
Control Stick + A ----- Moving Jump
Control Stick + R ----- Slide
Right C --------------- Action
Start ----------------- Menu
Downward C ------------ Lock-On
z --------------------- Main Attack
B --------------------- 2nd Attack
Left C ---------------- Special Item

\\\\\ Sound Mode /////

Stereo (Default)

Most Television sets support Stereo (2 channel sound) well, and I even 
believe that Castlevania supports the sub-woofer!


A few sets (like mine at the moment) only support mono, which only uses 
on channel of sound. A few Capcom games actually did sound better on 
Mono in my opinion.

\\\\\ Default /////

Takes all changes back to the original positions.

[6] )))))))))))))))) Location Guide (((((((((((((((((((

                                     |Carrie | Schneider|
Forest Of Silence -------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Castle Wall -------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Villa -------------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Garden ------------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Caves -------------------------------   No  ---  Yes  ---|
Underground Waterway ----------------  Yes  ---   No  ---|
Castle Main -------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Duel Tower --------------------------   No  ---  Yes  ---|
Tower Of Science --------------------  Yes  ---   No  ---|
Tower Of Execution ------------------   No  ---  Yes  ---|
Tower Of Sorcery --------------------  Yes  ---   No  ---|
Room Of Clocks ----------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Clock Tower -------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|
Castle Keep -------------------------  Yes  ---  Yes  ---|

[7])))))))) Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) ((((((((((((

Q. Where is Reinhardt's Second Costume?
A. During the Tower of Execution, in one of the iron maidens on the 
third level for the Execution key. Go back down to level two and open 
the iron gate. Look over the ledge to see a floating platform. Inside 
the iron maiden is the Purple Jewel which will give you access to his 
second costume after finishing the game.

Q. Where is Carrie's Second Costume?
A. At the very top of the Tower of Sorcery, right before the exit, look 
outward and in the distance is a torch. Use Holy Water to guide your way 
on the invisible walkway. Once across you can obtain the Purple Jewel, 
which after finishing the game, allows Carrie 2nd Outfit to be used.

Q. How can I get to the HARD Difficulty?
A. Before the werewolf, there is a floating platform and a flame. Walk 
across to get the Green Jewel. After beating the game with any 
character, watching the ending, credits and save game option you can now 
play in HARD mode.

Q. Why can't I get gold in EASY mode?
A. You have unlimited gold in EASY mode.

Q. How do I get a Good/Bad ending?
A. If you use to many Sun/Moon cards, Charlie Vincent will have tried to 
reach Dracula before you. He this happens he will be bitten and then 
become a vampire himself. You will have to fight Charlie and then end up 
seeing the bad ending. Move fast enough and the good ending is yours.

Q. Does Renon really fight you?
A. Yes, if you spend over 30,000 in gold then Renon will fight you.

Q. Can I hold more then one special weapon?
A. No, you must use the last one you picked up.

[8] )))))))))))))))) Getting Started (((((((((((((((((((

 From the very start you will get one of two messages. The first reads 
that you don't have a Controller Pak inserted and gives you the option 
to proceed without the save feature or the chance to re-connect your 
Controller Pak. A normal Pak carries 123 pages of memory, Castlevania 
takes up 9 pages for each save, a small amount compared to Turok 2's 70 
pages and Mario Kart's insane amount of 121 pages.

 The Second message will read that you have a Controller Pak. Choose the 
option to make a Castlevania file. Once this out of the way, the Konami 
and KCEK logs will appear. Then on with the game...

 It begins with a sweeping shot of the forbidden castle (with so-so 
keyboard music) and then the blood red moon appears along with Malus 
playing the violin (EXCELLENT music here). You then get the chance to 
start the game or go to the options menu. Just start the game, you can 
change the options later.

 At the Data screen select Game Start. The four slots available should 
be empty at the moment, unless you have saved a previous time. Pick a 
slot and then choose your difficulty (Normal is HIGHLY recommended). 
 *********************** WARNING WARNING **************************

official, stating that the game with end on level five for if the game 
is set on EASY mode. I suggest not even trying it unless you are not 
getting a long amount of time to play this game, and if you aren't then 
why are you even reading this FAQ?

 *********************** WARNING WARNING **************************

 After the this you can choose for either Reinhardt or Carrie. Keep in 
mind this walkthru is only for Reinhardt at this time, but will soon 
include Carrie. The pages begin to turn and reveals it to be the 
Necronomicon, the book of the dead (hey, The Evil Dead was educational 
you know). Then the narration (N64 audio is getting much better, no?) 
begins. The camera then centers on Schneider in an open area. He makes a 
sign of the cross over his heart and speaks "Courage... Don't leave 
me..." Now the game truly begins....

[9] ))))))))))))))) Forest Of Silence ((((((((((((((((((

 You begin with no special weapons but you do have your trusty Dagger 
and Whip, more than enough for now. Forge ahead a bit and get ready for 
some cool effects (which can hurt you if you are not careful). Head past 
the trees (don't goto the right yet) and whip the two classic candles. 
You will get the knife and a large Red Jewel. If you jump upon the left 
pillar, hang on, pull yourself up and then look to the right pillar, you 
will see another candle. Time your jump and go for the candle for a 
Roast beef. Now go towards the right path and past the skeleton lying on 
the ground.

 Cut Scene Time! Schneider investigates the corpse but is soon 
interrupted as three rotting bone dudes get up on their own!! Sorry, if 
your new to the whole Castlevania thing, this can really get to you. 
Wow, these buggers are fast! A good two whips or so should finish them, 
just back up a little and get a cracking! Pick up any items on the 
ground with right C. Go upward to the gate and you will find that a seal 
is over it. If you want, you can walk back and see the trees once again 
burn down, but the candles will not hold anything. Now jump and whip the 
blue seal on the large gate till it breaks off.

BOSS: Silverback Skeleton

 Once the seal breaks MOVE BACK! Didn't expect this so soon, huh? The 
boss carries a large club that when hit on the ground will resurrect 
other demon skeleton warriors. Take out some of the pests and then go in 
under the legs of the beast and hit it from behind. After a few hits it 
will retreat back behind the gate. Don't worry the Club often has a low 
chance of hitting you, but the boss with often move around hurting you 
and killing the other skeletons! Don't use you knives yet. Once you get 
the boss retreats for a second time one of the skeletons should leave 
behind a axe. Pick up the axe and go up to the boss once more. After 
enough hits, it will roar into the air and jump off the back cliff. Two 
platforms will raise and the boss will fall to the depths below, maybe 
to return later (if you look to the right and down, try to look for a 
small white object, it's the bosses head! He didn't go anywhere!).

 Jump the across the broken "bridge". Hopefully the fight provided you 
with a power up so all the baddies should only take one hit to kill. At 
the intersection, take the left way to the gate. Check the white crystal 
to save. If you check the sign, I'm sure you will get a good idea of how 
well checking every item will help you along your quest =) Now take the 
right path to the small housings. Destroy the flames in both for the Sun 
and Moon card. To the left of the housings is a small platform, you can 
jump onto the housings from here and continue on the roofs to get a red 
jewel and a roast chicken. This place is crawling with baddies so hurry 
to the next broken bridge and make some heavy jumps.

 On the other side, take out the bats with your dagger. Now hit the 
switch to open the gate where the save point was. 

Mini-BOSS: WereTiger

 The bridge is out and there is a big stripped baddie! This guy does his 
best Terminator parody by walking slowly around and then hitting you 
swiftly. Just hit him from a distance and use the middle pillar as 
defense. After about seven good whip cracks, he should burn to death.

 Now go back and through the gate. Notice if you stay in the middle of 
the bridge, the skeletons will jump over to get you! On the way you will 
encounter explosive skeletons and bone throwing skeletons, but they go 
down quickly too. To the right of the now open gate is a torch with a 
helpful power up. Now jump atop the pillar in the center and hit the 
torch for the cross, a powerful special weapon. Check around the bottom 
of the pillar for a roast. In the back you can see a large ravine, jest 
before the cliff is a odd stone. Duck and hit it with your dagger to 
reveal 2500 gold! Beyond is another save point and a tomb. Don't bother 
trying tomb, it only offers minimal items and leaves you open to 
attacks, plus it can be hard to jump up on.

 To the far right is another out bridge. Jump over and hit the torch for 
a roast beef, then hit the switch for the other gate to open. No mini-
boss this time, but HURRY and jump onto the lowering bridge and then 
jump over to the cliff. It is very difficult to climb from the very 
bottom. Yes, the water can drown you. Now pass through the gate and if 
you wish, the torch to the right has the axe, but the cross is actually 
a bit better. Check the three tombs for some more health.

 Beyond, try to kill the bone boy from afar, jump over and the look to 
the left. Here you can see a floating platform and a torch. Simply walk 
over to it, the walkway is invisible. Here you get the Green Jewel 
(Special1) which is used to get HARD mode. Jump across once more to the 
other side. Now prepare for a group of vampire bats to fly out. Once 
they have been swatted down, hit the rock to the left of the entrance to 
get a power-up, Roast Chicken and some money. Onward you will face a 
werewolf and the bone heads. Use your crosses on the wolf, jump above 
his dashes, remember to have the camera in battle view, stay in the 
clearing not the center and try to use the save point to the right just 
in case. Check around the statue in the middle for a roast and the tomb 
holds a sun card. Continue on and once at the corpse-on-a-stick stand, 
use the narrow steps to go down to the lever. The gate by the three 
tombs is now open so return. 
 This part is TRICKY, getting the hang on method is a matter of skill. 
Just keep practicing with the other ledges before you go down. Once back 
at the gate, hit the red torch to get a roast and hit the last lever. 
Now go back to the werewolf area and through the final gate.

BOSS: Silverback Skeleton

Round 2 !! This time, expect a fight to the death. The beginning is the 
hardest. He will lure you into a ring of motorcycle riding skeletons 
(.......) and then make some very long sweep attacks. Going under him is 
not as easy, and more skeletons rise all the time. Special weapons are 
near to worthless here so just stick to the whip. Make sure to be 
carrying some extra supplies to revive your health. The boss will 
retreat, so head up to him, let him swing will you are running around 
him in circles and jump when the club comes close. Then he is all yours, 
the arm comes of then the bottom half and the he will crawl almost 
helplessly on the ground, finish him off and exit. Schneider faces the 
massive drawbridge as it folds down, after entering, it rises back up, 
trapping him inside...

[10] ))))))))))))))) Castle Wall ((((((((((((((((((

First off I just want to say this is one of my least favorite levels. 
With that out of the way, lets move on. After the gate closes behind 
you, save at the white crystal and open the door to the right (the other 
is locked at the moment). Here you must trek up the winding staircase of 
death. Begin upward and jump across the gap. Now you will face the 
dreaded Bone Pillar. Do your best to use special weapons here and don't 
get too close, you don't want to end up like a roasted marshmallow. Jump 
on the moving platform and onto the next set. Defeat the pillar and time 
your jump to the platform, staying clear of the edge and the bloody 
guillotines. A bat often comes out of no where and knocks you out of the 
sky, so try to stay to the right here. At the next jump, get on the 
platform and make a leap to the other side. The guillotine should not be 
able to hit you since you will probley come up short.

 After another set of the blades and jumps, swat down the four bats and 
then you will come upon and door. Enter and prepare for

Mini-BOSS: White Dragon Twins

 The twins can be difficult, so try to have some reserve energy in hand. 
Try to run to the outside of the wall and lure one away from the other, 
make sure both are not facing you. Once it spits the flame out, move and 
then stop and then whip away. Sooner or later one will burn to a black 
crisp form. Once in black form, it will fire a long stream of blue 
flames that is often hard to miss. Repeat this process and if needed, 
use the stone entrance for cover.

 Later, jump up on the side (not the small broken part) of the entrance 
and Schneider will grab on and pull himself up to the torch with the 
roast inside. Now go to the center of the room and pull the switch. 
After the gate is lowered, look down and check for the platform with the 
save crystal. Fall down and save as you see fit, but beware the 
skeletons, they come back sooner then normal. Whack the small pillar in 
the middle for a powerup and many red jewels.
 On the lower platform is a waiting bone pillar and a slew of skeletons. 
Hit the torch for the moon card and drop down to the final level. Go 
back by the shelf, jump up and grab the powerup. In one of the corners 
is a crack, fall down it and you will be back at the very beginning. Go 
inside the new place and hit the center torch for the Red Left Tower 

 This tower is worse then the first! make the first jumps then climb the 
staircase. Careful around the solid walkway, it will soon break in two 
so move back or jump forward quickly. Next beware of incoming bats and 
try to go just beyond the blade so your jump can be pulled off at the 
desired time. The rotating spikes mean serious damage and often death.
The next set involves a pillar, and 4 rotating spikes. When the 2nd and 
4th spikes are safe, that is the time to go, careful of the blade at the 
end. Make the steep jump on the stairs and whip back the pillar and it's 
flames. Things are getting complicated but you are almost done here. 
Time your jumps on the next spikes and RUN when on the next set of 
"stairs". Make a few short jumps and try to take out the pillar early so 
it will not interfere.
 At the top is a moon crested door. If needed, you may use a moon card 
at your will. For all your hard work you will receive an excellent cut 
scene with the big man himself DRACULA. I must say, the voice acting is 
suited much to well for this game... Perfect! After the taunting, go 
back to the brick entrance and hit the pillar in the back with your 
dagger for 2500 gold again! I have around 11,000 gold if you were 
wondering. Jump upon the entrance (you will hang on and climb up) to 
save and get a roast.

 Now carefully make your way back down to the very beginning and enter 
through the now opened gate.
[11] ))))))))))))))))))) Villa (((((((((((((((((((((((

This music is stating to grow on me. After the quick cut scene it is 
back to business with the hell hounds. The cross works wonders here and 
holy water is also effective. Once the three dogs are slain the first 
gate will open, two other doggies will jump out and freely use the fire 
attack. After the slaying of these comes the final blood hound. Nice 
effects here, eh? Move toward the gate and pick up the roast, then 
carefully slay the dog, making sure it is always in your site.

In the next area, be aware of the time. At midnight the platform in the 
fountain will rise and allow access to the items above. Save with the 
crystal to the right and beware the Lost Souls and Lost Specters. To the 
right of the gate is a grave cross, whack it for a powerup. Beyond the 
save crystal is also a cross, hit it for a roast. Once you are done 
here, move on into the Mansion.

 Once inside, your might be thinking "Haven't I been here before?" Well 
if you ever played the original Resident Evil, you have, this almost a 
replica of sorts of the mansion. Continue onto the stairway and prepare 
to meet the infamous zombie vampire! Head up onto the stairs, turn 
around and kill! This narrows the vampires ability to run around 
circles. After it's death (if you were bitten, a cure is coming up) go 
and break the upstairs and downstairs candles and vases for red jewels. 
Check the first upstairs sofa for a purifying which cures the vamp 
status. Take the door on the upstairs to the outdoor hallway (I almost 
expected some killer ravens at this point) and onto the Rose Garden.

 Check the time. If it is near 3:00 AM, then STAY in the room. If you 
have to some time to kill, continue on and come back just before 3:00 
AM. Once it does it 3:00 AM, Rosa comes out sprays some blood on the 
flowers tells Schneider not to die too soon and then vanishes.... 
Creepy. Anyhow, now is the time to continue on. Through the other door 
leads to a stair way. Climb it and take the axe or knife if needed. 
Enter the first door to the left, check the chairs for a purifying then 
open the next door in the room.

 You will meet Vincent (who looks a bit like a certin Metal Gear Solid 
character) another vampire killer. He pretty much takes you as a nobody 
and then walks around a bit. Talk to him after the cut scene to get the 
key to archives. Examine the room beyond for the cross weapon and some 
gold. Leave and open the 3rd door to enter a long room filled with 
specters and souls. To the left, jump up on the chimney and check the 
lion head for a roast. In the main room, hit the vases for the store 
room key and another roast. Check the painting above the chimney for a 
purifying. Jump up and hit the red chandler for another purifying.

 Exit through the double doors and go down the stairs to meet Renon, the 
Demon Salesman. You can now pick up the contract lying on the floor and 
purchase items. Buy what you need and check the golden knight for a 

   ---- Price List ----
  | Roast Chicken 1500 |
  | Roast Beef    2000 |
  | Healing Kit   3000 |
  | Purifying      500 |
  | Cure Ampoule   200 |
  | Sun Card       500 |
  | Moon Card      500 |

 Return upstairs and check the storage room for two roasts and a save 
crystal. Onward to the last door you will see a interesting cut scene 
with a villager. Where did the table go? Do you best to avoid him, he 
has the advantage here. Afterwards check the roses for a purifying and 
move onto the other door in the room. Here you can us the archives key. 
Check the table for a purifying and go to the end corner for the Garden 
Key. Saving once more is well worth it. Return to where you met Rennon 
and exit through the double doors to the garden.

[12] )))))))))))))))) Garden Maze ((((((((((((((((((((((

 Open the gate (those statue dogs don't look helpful) and continue on 
until the first left, then go on past the bridge. Here you will meet 
Malus, who *sniff* lost his *sob* parents earlier... What the?? OH NO 
STONE!! Exit the dead end and follow Malus, open the door to the left 
and then take a left, right, right, left... THE DOGS ARE BACK AND THEY 
THEM! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Now is a good time to take a 
reality check or just enjoy the insanity. Run left, right, right, left, 
left, left, right, right and then enter the gate. Whew, time for a quick 
rest here. Check the torches for some red jewels and a roast. When the 
coast is clear, exit, make a right, left, right, left, left, right and 
meet Malus at the door. After you let Malus go free turn around and walk 
down the long walk stopping at the torch to get the copper key. 

Open the gate and go inside the door to get a save point and a roast in 
the candle. Unlock the door beyond and you will be back in the mansion 
entrance. Make your way ALL THE WAY back to where you first met Renon, 
and go back to the garden entrance. Run directly toward the lookout 
tower area and make a right and open the door with the copper key. Run 
down the stream, jump on the bridge and take a left. Hit the torch for a 
purify and save if you like at the white crystal.

Now enter the door next to the crystal. Walk down the steps and walk up 
to the Casket.

BOSS: Vampire Duo

The casket is empty but soon a body falls from the ceiling, it seems a 
vampire was feasting on woman the entire time. This vampire is a bit 
different then before. This time he takes many more hits and remains in 
the air more often. When he is chasing you, stop and then move out of 
the way before he attacks, after he hits air turn and use a special 
weapon. Once you send him to his grave, the woman comes alive as a vamp 
(Evil Dead Style)! She crawls on the floor and often spits bats at you. 
A few times she may turn into fog, but she is really just a pushover. 
After the fight walk up to the coffin and jump in.

[13] )))))))))) Tunnels (Schneider Only) (((((((((((((((

 Once in the caverns, you may just go forward hitting bats and timing 
your jumps from the double rock crushers. At the end is a orange lift, 
take it down and walk toward the poison river for a surprising cut 
scene, make 100% sure you do not stay in front of the spiderwomen or you 
are bound to be poisoned. Jump over to the left rocks and cross to the 
other side with the save crystal. Forward and to the right is another 
rock hop over to two torches that contain holy water and a roast. Back 
at the intersection, go on toward the signs and take a right. Hit the 
stone with the dagger to reveal cures, purifyies and roasts. Back on the 
left path, take he lift up and at the intersection. If you go to far 
left, there will be a moon crest door, inside is the contract and the 
knife. Clear to the right of the intersection is a ledge with burning 
 Make your way across the odd stone and poison water to the other side 
with a torch directly to the left. At the intersection, if you take a 
right you will come upon a sun door and inside is the cross and two 
roasts. The left way takes you to more rock crushers. Before the 
crushers is a torch containing a powerup. After the caskets, rock 
crushers and treadmills is another save crystal. Toward the end is a 
slew of bats and a red gondola. Hop on and prepare for some bone pillars 
on the ride, crosses work all too well here. Once you get the chance to 
get off, look back from where you came, those yellow bars that you saw 
moving past you earlier can come and knock you off, so when you so one, 
just jump over it. Wait of the platform and fend yourself from the 
specters until a blue gondola arrives and get on, making sure not to 
fall onto the bloody spikes below. Bone pillars and lost souls will 
distract you and try to push you off so do your best to see ahead. At 
the end of the ride, walk off and use the save crystal to the right. 

 Go up the orange lift and once at the top take out the bats. Manage 
your way across the poison, making sure to kill all bats before jumping. 
More spiderwomen await you on the other side. To the left of the 
intersection is a moon crest door with holy water and a sun card. To the 
right of the intersection and straight ahead is the sun door, the exit 
to the level.

 In the following room, Rosa tries to kill herself. Schneider stops her, 
and then is left in the room with the silence of the fans. Leave.

[14] )))))))))))))))) Castle Center ((((((((((((((((((((

 At the beginning, go forward and use the save crystal. Now take the 
right path (while hitting the moto skeletons) and then take the door to 
the right which leads to a cage and vent room full vampires. Long range 
weapons do wonders because sometimes the vampires will not even move, 
and just take the hits! Now climb up the stairs and open up the caged 
doorway, and continue upward. Check the angelic statue to the left of 
the room for a cut scene involving much blood. Kill the Bloodborn and 
then move on to the next set of stairs and trek upward.

 When in the upper hallway, check the knight and take the door to the 
north. Check the knight here as well for a good item and try to to kill 
two to four sword lizards in order to exit the room. The torch at the 
end of the room holds a helpful moon card. In the following room check 
the knight for a roast and then jump up to the save crystal. Continue on 
to the room with glass knights and many red jewels. Beyond that room is 
the dreaded butler vampire room, which contains many things that get in 
your way and make it hard to see the vamps. Do your best to get out of 
the submissions and kill'em to exit, make sure to search the torch for a 

 The next section holds many fire walls, but many can just be avoided by 
jumping through. Take the left way to get the cure ampoule and then take 
a right and another right for a roast. Past the door is friendly lizard 
man, talk to him to get the torture room key, then open the door to the 
left of the room. Here you will see a cut scene with... MALUS?? I tell 
ya, that boy just ain't right. Pick up the nitro on the shelf here, but 
do not jump or get hit in any way, the result is instant death.  Go to 
the lion fire spitting hallway and check around for a cracked wall. 
Place the nitro here and continue on. The broken stairs below prevent 
you from taking the nitro elsewhere. Now return to the very beginning of 
the level and after the cage and vent room, take a left then a right to 
the torture room. Defeat the vampires (use that control stick!!) and get 
the Mandragora in the jar on the shelf in the back.

 Go back to the moto skeleton area and continue far down the hall and 
enter through the large double doors. Here you will find a large 
sleeping bull and a large crack in the back of the arena. Go all the way 
up to the crack and search it. Place the Mandragora down and now return 
back to the torture room for MORE Mandragora. Return to the crack in the 
wall by the friendly lizard man and set the Mandragora on the wall. 
Watch the cut scene and then when the sparks and smoke settle whip the 
torch for the roast. Enter through the right door and use the contract 
if needed. Beyond is the library, climb one of the shelves and crab the 
sun card, then on the second level jump up on the box mechanism to open 
the ceiling right above you, jump up to the third level and hit the box 
again on this level to open the ceiling above you again. 

 Once in the observatory, go over to the machine near the middle and 
enter 2,4,8 to activate the amazing cut scene. The seal is now broken on 
the arena wall, allowing you to blow it up now. You should now save at 
the save crystal on the other side of the observatory. Return to the red 
carpeted hallway with the gold knight and take the eastern door this 
time to enter the clockwork room. Make your way to the across the gears 
and then past the "bridge" to the stairs and upward. A guardian knight 
to the right will come alive and challanage you, dispose of him from a 
distance and enter the next door. Careful not to rush into this cafe, 
two maid vampires await. If you have any distance weapons, use them. The 
vampires will not move and take the hits without putting up a fight. 
Check the tables for a cure and purify. Beyond this room is the 
invention area, jump upon the small model of the three towers and then 
on the blimp hanging from the center of the room for a roast. Check the 
torch near the exit for a sun card. In the next room you will face a 
ceiling of spikes. Wait till the ones in front of you rise and time the 
next one after it to see if it rises slightly after the ones directly in 
front of you. Here lies another fire spitter hallway, if you brave the 
fires you can get a roast. In the final room lies the other side where 
Malus was earlier. Save at the crystal and then pick up the nitro.

 Ok, now for one of the most difficult parts of the game. You have to 
get back to the arena and place the nitro without jumping or getting hit 
once. Cute. Brave the spiked ceiling and then beware of the two 
guardians knights that come alive in the invention area. Beyond, make 
careful steps and make your way across the small bridge and don't slow 
down to much at the corners, many of them fall below. The fire spitters 
often miss so try not to freak out if you here a fireball being 
launched. Onward is the gears, move into the first one and then at the 
junction of the two gears, wait till one of the gears goes into the 
socket of the first gear and then walk closely to get out. The only real 
danger after this are the motor skeletons, so use the pillars for 
defense. Now plant the nitro at the crack in the wall in the arena and 
after the explosion go into the next room and SAVE. Use the crystals 
magic power and use the contract in the other corner if needed. Walk 
back out into the arena and encounter a predictable surprise.

BOSS: Bull Of Fury

 When the bull stands on it's hind legs LOOK OUT! He will fire a yellow 
beam and make a massive gun blade style explosion. The bull will also 
try to thrust and ram you, but if you remain jumping to the left and 
right or even in circles, he often will miss. The blue beam is a danger 
because of the range so make sure to jump when you see the blue 
extending. Long range weapons are your salvation here since the bull 
often runs far away into the arena and then back. Try to concentrate on 
the head area, the bull will die much quicker this way and leave roasts 
behind as well. After the battle save and head back to the vent room. In 
the next cutscene Rosa introduces Death (who appears in many Castlevania 
games before this) and then begins a battle.

BOSS: Rosa

 You knew it would happen sooner or later, at the beginning jump back 
and out of the middle to avoid the shockwave attack. Move close to avoid 
the flaming arrows by moving FAR back. Keep moving during the entire 
fight. Thankfully Rosa does not have a high hit rate, so taking here 
down with few hits is common. If you are far away enough, the sword 
attack can be seen a mile away, so move to Rosa side to avoid a 
slashing. After the fight, Death will intervene and take Rosa away.

 Head upstairs and hit the red switch in the middle to activate the 
elevator in the center. Climb on and at the top use the save crystal. 
Now use the only available bridge left and enter the next stage, fending 
off the medusa heads just before.

[15] ))))))))) Dual Towers (Schneider Only) ((((((((((((

From the beginning it starts out as beautiful, river flowing below, 
candles burning in the distance and colors changing nicely. Move to the 
center of the area and prepare to get jumped by a Dark Cheetah.

Mid-BOSS: Dark Cheetah

 The Cheetah moves much like a werewolf, but this time you have no were 
to run because of the caged area. Try to get close to him, and move to 
the side when he rears up for an attack. Take whatever opening you can 
get on him. The ceiling is dropping during the fight so kill as quick as 
possible and run to the right side and jump onto the emerging platforms. 
Make your way upward and jump onto the roof. Make a far jump and then 
another to the spinning saws. Duck when needed and quickly move to the 
next bout.

Mid-BOSS: Werewolf

 One odd tactic I used was to smack it with crosses close to it and it 
would just make a sweep kick which always missed. Hurry along on this 
fight as well and when it is over move to the left side and jump on the 
new platforms. Once on the top platform, make sure you are high above 
the earlier arena and that you can see torches in the distance. Make a 
leap of faith forward to grab onto an invisible walkway to the side. 
Walk over to the torches for a roast and a powerup. Look over the edge 
and check out where the platforms to the die of one of the towers leads 
down to the river. Take this way down, or try your luck making it in a 
complete square. If you take the lower path, you will come across 
platforms that lower into the river but make easy jumps. On the other 
side make your way up the tower and if you decide to, you can go back 
and fight a green minotaur mini boss or go on through the next platforms 
and fight a WereTiger.

Mid-BOSS: Aqua Minotaur

 This mini boss is a bit slow compared to the others and often charges 
up his attacks. Take advantage of this and never stand in his way. Not a 
difficult fight.

Mid-BOSS: WereTiger

 Back from the dead comes the first mid-boss, the WereTiger. Avoid 
running in circles, like the camera wants you to, and use your whip on 
the beast. If you get to close, he will pick you up and throw you across 
the arena. After the battle jump onto the platforms and onto the roof. 
Make the jumps onward and time them so you are not caught in the saws.
Now make one last jump and head to the left for the (apply applause 
here) EXIT !!! Good riddance you non-saving-insane-jumping-son-of-a-gun 

[16] )))))) Tower Of Execution (Schneider Only) ((((((((

 Look a save crystal! Haven't seen one of those for awhile! From the 
very start you can probley see how this level got it's name. Walk 
forward and clear the blades, and beware of the blades that drop down by 
the bloody slits in floor in the center. Take the right side and jump on 
past through the platforms. Kill the bone pillars and then time your 
jumps on the moving platforms, staying at the end and fending off the 
flying creatures.
 At the end, get on what look to be a lift and jump up to the next 
level. Move on and kill the bats and bone pillar to get back to the 
center. Take the right path and avoid the blades. After the simple 
jumping on the moving platforms, you will come up to a save crystal.
In the back of the save crystal are some more "lifts" that you can jump 
up from to get to a higher level and see the locked gate. Move to the 
center avoiding the blades, go around and hit the blood skeleton and the 
take a right. Now here are some challenging moving platforms, so stay at 
the ends and keep jumping non-stop, taking time to kill the bone pillar. 
Once at the next blood skeleton, continue on to the iron maiden and 
whack it to get the Execution Key. Making your way back down to the gate 
is not an easy task, but if you want the second costume, you must 
attempt it. Once you unlock the gate, go down and hit both iron maidens 
for a roast and cross. Jump down to the right on the ledge below to get 
to the iron maiden containing the second special jewel. Now just walk 
off to the left of the platform on the invisible pathway. Make your way 
clear to the top and up the stairs to the Room Of Clocks.

[17] ))))))))))))))))) Normal Items (((((((((((((((((((((

Sun and Moon Cards

Much like the Sun song for Zelda, the Moon and Sun cards can change the 
game from dusk to dawn at your own will.

Roast Chicken

It's rotten, it's diseased, it's your dinner. The Roast Chicken 
replenishes over 50% of your health. Hey, it's better than KFC!

Roast Beef

Where this came from, we just don't want to know. Roast Beef replenishes 
over 80% of your health. Hey, it's better than Arby's!

Med Kit

Good luck finding one of these. If do stumble upon one, however, expect 
your health to be fully recovered.

Cure Ampules

These cure any poison effects that your character runs into. Expect 
yourself to be poisoned often.

Purify Crystal

Say a vampire BITES you. Your doomed to wonder the earth, roaming around 
looking for blood, right? Not with these. After being bit, and then 
using one of these, the curse is lifted!

Red Jewels

Unless your working on easy mode, red jewels are used for the use of 
Special weapons. Make sure to always have a good supply handy.

White Jewels

While you would think it is just a bigger version of the red jewel, the 
white jewel actually lets you save your game on the controller pak.

Green Jewel (Special1)

Used to access HARD mode.

[18] ))))))))))))))) Special Weapons (((((((((((((((((((

Special Weapons work in the way of Red Jewels. The number of jewels you 
have, the more you can use the special weapons. 

=================  Knife  ====================
========== Cost 1 Red Jewel Per Use ==========

The Knife can actually be thrown farther than the whip can reach, but of 
course is not as powerful. 

=================   Axe   ====================
========== Cost 2 Red Jewel Per Use ==========

Also a good projectile weapon, it can be more well controlled than the 
knife, being able to be thrown far and short.

================ Holy Water ==================
========== Cost 3 Red Jewel Per Use ==========

More of a close range attack, where is a super soaker when you need it?

================   Cross   ===================
========== Cost 5 Red Jewel Per Use ==========

While it is a VERY powerful weapon, the cross sucks up a good 5 Jewels 
every time per use. Ouch. It mostly functions as a boomerang type 

[19] )))))) GameShark / Pro Action Replay Codes ((((((((

Codes made and tested on GameShark Version 2.2

Infinite Health              81389C3E 0064

Infinite Special Weapons     81389C48 000A

Weapon Modifier              81389C42 00??

#'s with Modifier

01 - Knives
02 - Holy Water
03 - Crosses
04 - Axes

[20] ))))))))))))))) Enemy Glossary ((((((((((((((((((((

Castlevania incorporates many of it's classic enemies with all new 
baddies. Heads roll, blood flies and seeing someone on fire is common. 
Here is some descriptions of a few of the horrors so far.

Rating System:

Peon - The weakest and easiest of the enemies.

Grunt - The norm for the common enemy.

Ogre - It is Godzilla! We must flee the city!

|| Skeleton ||
Level:  Peon
The classic bone man. 

The skeletons come in a few more forms for this installment, alone they 
are easy as pie, in numbers they can become a problem.

Common Death: Top torso is ripped in half, ashes to ashes.

|| Explosive Skeleton ||
Level:  Grunt
A blue version of the common skeleton that hisses with a fuse. 

This ones for the Alamo! These bone heads often just run into you 
causing a massive explosion and serious damage. Keep your distance and 

Common Death: Look at the purdy fireworks!

|| Vampire Bats  ||
Level: Peon
Small Black and red bats that go down in one hit.

These little ones are simple to take out with the dagger (and sorta fun) 
but they maneuver fast and come in numbers at times.

Common Death: A large spray of blood will fill the air.

|| Werewolf ||
Level: Ogre
One Bad@$$ mother. Has blue pants and bandanna.

This one is tricky. The werewolf can unleash multiple combo from the air 
and ground, avoid a fight with this one is often wise. Still it is 

Common Death: Howls and turns into a purple fire.

|| Motorcycle Skeletons ||
Level: Grunt
Name says it all, born to be wild baby.

Well this confuses many people but it almost makes since to me... At 
least it was closer a time then in, say, the 14th century. Anyhow, these 
skeletons move swiftly and often come at your at odd angles.

Common Death: Lets just say wearing his helmet wouldn't have helped 

|| Bone Pillar ||
Level: Grunt
A dragons bone head on a stick.... What more could you want?

The pillar has two attacks. The first is the long range flame attack, 
the other is the close range toasting. Long range attacks are your best 
bet here, hopefully you are also somewhat powered up. It is worth 
killing them at most areas.

Common Death: Turns a DARK red and is engulfed in flames.

|| Hell Hound ||
Level: Grunt
A large K-9 with three heads.

The Hell Hound often moves in packs, not a good thing. Most just pounce 
you but a few use a fire attack similar to around three holy waters 
combined. the Cross is the ideal weapon here.

Common Death: Roll over! Speak! Stay! PLAY DEAD! Good Boy!

|| Lost Souls ||
Level: Peon
Small blue flaming floating skulls, every game should have them.

Not much to mention of these except that they often have the ability to 
sneak up on you. If you played the clock tower in the PSX Castlevania, 
you will have noticed they were MUCH bigger.

Common Death: The normal fade away death...

|| Lost Specters ||
Level: Peon
Mindless ghosts that float high above.

Mostly these are harmless but they mostly come in big numbers. Try to 
keep the camera focused on them, they often run and disappear.

Common Death: Also another fade away death...

|| Vampires ||
Level: Ogre
The crazy zombies vampires from mars. The bloodsucking stops here!

"LET GO OF MMMMMEEEE!!!" Vampires come in many forms from villagers to 
servants, they all are blood suckers in the end. If you are caught in a 
suck grip, move the control stick around and hope you get out. You can 
cure your status with Purifying.

Common Death: Burns and turns into a bat to fly away. Love that scream!

|| Glass Knights ||
Level: Grunt
Stain glass creations, flat and sneaky.

While the glass knights are not powerful, they are silent. They may rise 
from the ground and attack you from behind. Not a difficult task to 

Common Death: Glass + Whip/Blast = shards everywhere!

|| Stone Hounds ||
Level: Ogre ++
Think the evil dogs from the original ghostbusters.

Well these guys are just no fun. Defeating them is impossible and if 
they catch up to you (which they will) they can turn your legs to stone. 
Jump often to avoid them and move faster, then if stoned use your dagger 
or rings to swipe them away.

Common Death: N/A

|| Chainsaw Franky ||
Level Orge +++
Frankenstein is back, and now he has a chainsaw!

It just does not get get any worse then this. Frank cannot be killed, so 
trying to hit him is not a good idea unless you are just trying to 
escape. Holy water is your best bet here. Run, Vampire Killer, Run!

Common Death: N/A

|| Spiderwomen ||
Level: Grunt
Half top woman body, lower legs of a spider.

Some spit out acid and poison, other swipe with a spear. No matter how 
many you kill, they mostly will keep coming. Running away is often the 
best choice since no award is given.

Common Death: Chokes on own poison and then the lower body turns red.

|| Bloodborn ||
Level: Peon
A T-1000 blood edition.

The bloodborn rises from a puddle of blood and unleashes acid, you 
guessed it, blood. Nothing hard at all since it carries a low hit rate.

Common Death: Soaks back into darkened pool of blood.

|| Sword Lizards ||
Level: Grunt
A grey/green lizard that carries a small sword.

The lizard man comes in separate forms, this one involves shields and 
swords. It also tends to spit acid out of it's mouth so try to stay 
close, not provoking the spit attack.

Common Death: Is thrown onto it's back and squeals it's last breath.

|| Fire Lizards ||
Level: Grunt +
A deep red lizard man that spits fire and carries a sword.

These lizard men often stay in one place, but spit out fire in ALL 
directions so beware if taking any chances while holding nitro. They 
cannot be killed so dropping down to kill them is worthless.

Common Death: N/A

|| Guardian Knight ||
Level: Grunt
Large gold, grey or reddish knights that come alive.

Often most guardian knights will not come alive but when they do, stay 
back because they hold a powerful reach.

Common Death: Head flies back as body turns to ashes.

|| Medusa Head ||
Level: Peon
Small dumb looking floating heads of the snake haired Medusa.

Easy foe but often comes out fast and from the fog. Use the cross to hit 
multiple targets.

Common Death: Turns into small pieces and vanishes.

|| Blood Skeleton ||
Level Peon +
A deep red skeleton who hurls bones toward you.

This one mostly stays in it's place and hurls bone after bone toward 
you. Hit it twice or so and run past it, it cannot be defeated since it 
will get back up after a short time.

Common Death: N/A

[21] ))))))))))))))))) Multimedia ((((((((((((((((((((((

++ Castlevania Commercial ++

Running Time: 14 Seconds
Aired On: MTV & FOX

The spot begins with a gritty shot of someone sharpening a crude stake. 
The Stake is then slid into the belt of a man in a long trench coat. A 
quick shot of a Vail of Holy water appears and is also slid into the 
belt. Without warning a metal cross (I love the sound it makes) is 
flipped and slid into the side of the belt. Then we get a quick shot of 
Schneider (the actors face is in the shadows) and then the womans 
narration begins "Killer Outfit..." The Metal cross shines and moves the 
shot to an actual gameplay shot of a coffin lid blowing off and then 
Schneider meeting a zombie/vampire "too bad the night life sucks..." 
Shot of the first skeleton boss "Castlevania..." Shot of dying dragon 
"for the Nintendo 64, from Konami." Shot of the Castlevania title and 
Schneider taking a nice whiff *spew* of a bag of garlic.

++ North American Box Art ++


The very front features the Castlevania Logo, The Blood Red moon, 
Dracula's Castle and Schneider wielding a whip. 

\\Bottom (Green Side)//

A shot of the Castle and Carrie

\\Right Side (Red Side)// 

A shot of a single skeleton. His skull is cracked open.

\\Left Side (Yellow Side)//

A non-rendered picture of Schneider and the castle.

\\Top Side (Blue Side)//

A Merman just showing off his six-pack and the castle.


Shots of a vampire, Schneider, Carrie, Giant Goat Boss, Silverback 
Skeleton Boss, some death knights and a pendulum pathway.


Take control of Reinhardt Schneider, a whip toting Vampire killer who 
has waited his whole life to meet the ultimate destiny, or Carrie 
Fernandez, a young girl with strong magical presence who is mysteriously 
drawn to Dracula's evil Castlevania. It is their duty to seek out 
Castlevania and put an end to the residents plans. Whats your destiny?

* The first fully 3D Castlevania adventure.

* 2 characters with different routes through the game, different boss    
encounters and different endings! 

* Amazing graphic effects! Transparency, dynamic lighting, and awesome    
special effects!

* Huge Bosses! Giant ape skeletons, Death, and the dreaded Behimos!

* Over 10 stages ranging from the Transylvania forest to the soaring   
turrets of Castlevania.

* Atmosphere music and sound.

* 3-D cinematics.

++ Included North American Contents ++

- Castlevania 96 Megabit Cartridge
- Konami Question Card
- N64 Consumer Information Booklet
- Castlevania Instruction Booklet

[22] )))))))))))))) Disclaimer/Thanx (((((((((((((((((((

Disclaimer & Legal Notice

This electronically published document is a trademark (tm) and copyright
(c) 1999 Anthony Hartley.  All Rights Reserved.
This electronically published document was intended for free circulation
throughout the use of IRC, HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Usenet, Newsgroups, and if
used for HTML at the website, may be "broken up into pieces" as long as
the contents are unmutilated, unpirated, unmodified, and as long as this
fine print is included provided that the content of this document 
remains original.  In NO EVENT shall this document be used for any 
monetary compensation via selling printouts, gaming magazine publishing, 
video game guides, and any other non-electronical forms that exist as 
this constitutes a direct violation of the Byrne Internet Copyright Law, 
United States Title 107, and all other forms of Internet Copyright Laws 
that exist.  Stealing any of this work, rewording this work, or any 
forms of plagiarism constitutes a serious violation of all applicable 
Internet Copyright Laws and a severe criminal act.  Violators of all 
Internet Copyright Laws and International Treaties face severe monetary 
fines as well as time in jail as well as dishonorable shutdown from the 
ISP hosting the violator's access. Any copyright that is not listed in 
this document is acknowledge and respected by Anthony Hartley as no 
infringement was acknowledged.  This document was created by Anthony 
Hartley under compliance with all applicable Internet Copyright Laws and
International Treaties, with the addition of United States Code 107 and
the Byrne Internet Copyright Bill, constituting "fair use" under US Code

Castlevania is copyright 1999 by Konami. This walkthrough is not 
associated or indorsed by Konami in any way. You may freely distribute 
this Walkthru for noncommercial purposes if it is not altered in 
anyway and we are credited. This Faq may not be used as a source of 
material for any other transcript without permission.  Please do NOT 
use walkthrough while driving, operating heavy machinery or performing 
open heart surgery.

//////////////////////////// Thanx \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

- Konami                            <http://www.konami.com>
- I believe they had something to do with the game.....

- Nintendo                        <http://www.nintendo.com>
- For getting on the roll again!

- The Castlevania Dungeon <http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania>
- The Best Castlevania Database out. Go here NOW.

- GameShark Code Creators Club    <http://www.cmgsccc.com/>
- For the GameShark codes and everything else in the past.

- David Dayton                    <daviddayton@bigfoot.com>
- For info on the Cross motion and correction.

- Kao Megura & Mark Kim
- For the great legal information!

- Sutaz
- For info on Renon, Vincent and the second costumes.

- Deshalius                <scratchingmakesitworse@att.net>
- For countless additions to walkthru.

- marshmallow                        <m_mallow@hotmail.com>
- For the effective enemy rating system.

Thank YOU for reading (and playing). I hope this walkthru helps in any 
way it can. If you would like to improve this walkthru in any way send 
suggestions, changes and comments to one of us:

Written By Anthony Hartley (Antookis)
ICQ: 5838229
WebSite: http://wulf.8m.com

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