The Many Forms of![]() | ||
![]() ![]() ![]() Before you go into battle, buy a dagger from one of the salespeople. In Dracula's chamber, jump from one side of the room to the other, kneel on the lowest platform and throw some knives. You can usually get two hits in, and though it won't do much damage, it's rather effective. When the fireballs he throws approach you, jump up onto the bricks. Drac's fireballs don't do much damage, either. You should have a good amount of life left when his first form kicks the bucket, so just hop up on either side of the room, kneel on one of the bricks and throw daggers at the jewel in the painting's head. The bats will knock you back, but try to climb back up when the flow of enemies stop. | ||
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![]() ![]() ![]() Considering the madness of the rest of this game, Dracula is relatively easy. In his first form, he'll change into bat form, fly around, apparate and toss out a few daggers before moving elsewhere. Thankfully, his entire body is vulnerable, and you can even attack him when he's a bat. After enough hits, he'll distinigrate into a crucifix-like form and emerge as a large head in the lower right part of the screen. Just jump over the bats it spews out and attack. Both of these forms are pretty easy if you have the cross or any subweapon you may have obtained if you attacked the bats outside this level.
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![]() ![]() ![]() Okay. After fighting Slogra, some blue guy to be later called Gaibon, and the Grim Reaper, you'll finally make it to Dracula's lair. Okay. You're not gonna win, so leap off the edge, holding left, to commit suicide. WHATTHE? A platform? Keep heading to the left. AAAGH! You can't commit suicide! AAA! Oh well. Go to the edge of the screen and there will be a flash, with items raining on you. Get the drumsticks, hearts, whip upgrades, boomerangs and finally the shot multiplier. Pressing up, walk until you go up some invisible stairs. Now from a platform, got to the edge and leap for the other edge. If done correctly you should land where you started in this room. Go up the stairs, avoiding candles if you want, and keep going until there's no room left. In this final room, unholy thunder strikes, and after some effects which showed partly what 16 bits could do in 1991, Dracula will laser himself into the area. Dracula uses two attack methods in the first attack. One pink fireball will split into three smaller ones when hit or jumped over, and the other will split into four when hit. Jump up and hit the R button to use your triple shot up Boomerangs. Whip the fire ball(s) and try to hit his head diagonally, too. When he lasers out of there, start hurling more Boomerangs. You got 99 hearts earlier, so you can burn all those Boomerangs. Toss them at the peak of your jump, they will eventually thwack the Tall One. Fight on, and he may use a ball which, when hit, will leave a drumstick. Let your whip go limp in front of you after snapping to guard from the shots from the drumstick ball. Attack method 2. Count Dracula will open his cape and, with awesome fire effect (snapping the whip to the firestorms will yield 200 points), will call upon the Flames of Ambition...Flame Spirits from Dracula's Curse! Clear away from them when you hit, since a small pillar will result from elimination. Keep tossing the Boomerangs between firestorms and fight the Flame Spirits. It's best to jump, whip, and get out of the way. When Count Dracula is weakened to about five energy units, prepare for the pink ball, it's shots, and the energy you'll get back. His last fight. The room heats up from the surge of evil energy Dracula will produce. When Dracula lasers in, he'll be really undead! Scope it out! His head's a skull! Tap the pause button and see where you can get between two lightning strikes which will strike down and do damage. Toss your Boomerangs. If you feel audacious, when he's down to 1 energy unit, risk getting hit by the electricity and whip diagonally to finish him off! HE'LL DIIIIIE!!!! NEXT STOP, CASTLEVANIA DRACULA X, THE RONDO OF BLOOD! The hunt continues...
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![]() ![]() ![]() Dracula's first form is just like all his others...transport, throw fire, transport, etc. He will also throw meteors out that need to be dodged. Then he'll turn into a huge ass monster with fog in the background. In most CV games, the standard Dracula tactic is to destroy the fireballs and then hit Drac in the head. Instead, do the opposite. Hit Drac with your whip (or dove, if you're Maria) then destroy the fireballs. This is due to the delay before Dracula attacks. When he throws meteors (you'll know because he raises the other side of his cape) duck under the first one then quickly jump. Repeat (this whole deal is easier as Maria, with her double jump and multiple dove attacks.) If you've got enough life, the second form here is easy. With boomerangs ( or dragons with Maria) throw them at the head of the monster as well as executing your normal attack. Retreat when it comes too close, and run under it when it jumps high. Its projectiles aren't too hard to dodge. | ||
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The second form is easy too. It's just a cloaked being that floats around, occasionally fires things that travel along the floor (just jump over them) and creates duplicates that shoot lightning. Just hit it when its in reach (an axe will help...John has an advantage here, as he can jump and whip upward.) The last form is a hideous demon that shoots little explosives from its crotch (no joke!) and also spews flames when damaged enough. There's no real strategy here, just gain a lot of life and try to corner it. When it starts shooting flames, jump over them. When the monster turns white, it will jump around in patterns. Just dodge and attack. Watch as the bones fly! | ||
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![]() ![]() So finally, you're at Count Dracula. Okay. Start first by walking down the final hallway, admiring the statues of the Grim Reaper and a big skeleton guy, whipping candles to upgrade your whip. At the end of this hall, slide down the rope, into the final room. Whip the candle and get the crystal to call out Dracula. Puweyxil, um, Dracula appears as a vampire skull, notice the long vampire teeth, and four crystals will appear from four corners of the room. These hold the power of the four Castle bosses Soleiyu picked when he was evil (the game explains, rather, Soleiyu explains how since Dracula can't use his power, then Dracula will use the powers of the castle spirits.) The crystals will all got to the skull, and Dracula's resurrection is complete! Count Dracula has only one form in the end, BUT it's a hard one to delete! His attacks seem to be based on the crystals which brought him back. These cannot be destroyed and are very fast, so it is in your best interest that you get ready to pause the game so you can figure out its' flight path and find a way between the things. When Dracula appears, GET OUTTA THERE! Retreat to the platform on the middle of the left side of the screen, while Dracula releases the crystals and will move about a clockwise motion. When you get to that platform, jump to clear a crystal which will sweep under you. Now bend down and face right. Dracula appear nicely there so whip away, taking damage from both of you. Don't worry, getting hit may be work the risk. Now he'll appear above the second platform. While he gets there, get yourself to the center platform between the two spike sets. Line up with the bricks and crouch down on the LEFT side of this platform. Stay down, and Dracula's attack will blaze right by you, as if he missed on purpose! Dracula doesn't appear on the small platform above, he'll appear opposite where he last stood, across the room. Remember before when you were whippin up Dracula earlier, wait there and when his attack comes, time it right and leap between the crystals! Dracula appears next on the center platform, bottom of the room. Stand on the platform next to him, and jump, whipping at his head once or twice, on the second leap, his crystals may be coming out again. Retreating to the place you were whipping earlier, you can jump between them. Dracula is now across the way from where you were beating him up earlier. Stand on the edge of the platform I stay talking about, and whip. The fire balls might do damage. Good. Now Dracula is where HE first started when he absorbed the power of the crystals. Do one of two bold and try to hit his head and retreat, OR stay at that famous platform. Wait it out, and leap to avoid the attack. I got hit here, so it may be better if you leap back OR forward correctly to get between the shots. Dracula will form directly below the platform he was just on. You know the deal. Get a hit in, get out, jump into the openings in the crystals so they can miss. Just like before. NOW THE PATTERN REPEATS ITSELF Wait patiently on the good ol' platform and Dracula will release the crystals so you can jump between. Now, he will come to you. Where you got in the most hits last time is where you'll get in the last hits. With about 3-6 energy units of yours left, congratulate yourself on a job well done, and view what seems to be a CastleVania 3 ending.
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![]() ![]() ![]() Try to get 20 hearts before the final battle so you can use the Ice sould power to recharge if you ever need it. The first form shouldn't be too hard to deal with. If Dracula appears on the top of the screen, just move below him...the projectiles don't move directly down. Whenever he appears on the ground, move to the opposite side he's on, duck and whip away. If he appears in the center, just run away and try to dodge the energy bolts. After a bunch of hits, Drac will unleash his true power. Stick on the left side of the screen. The heads appear in a pattern, so just learn them and you'll know when to fire your whip. If the head appears on the left side of the screen, you should be able to jump between the bolts. If the head appears directly above you, head out of the way toward the center of the screen and dodge the projectiles. Just repeat this and keep firing at the head before he shoots. Just keep at it and Drac'll be dead!
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When fighting Dracula's Servent the fight is almost identical to all of the other Dracula first form fights except in 3D. Jump, duck, and slide to dodge his attacks while attacking his head. He'll also suck you in with a vaccuum attack, so try not to get too close to him. Next when you fight the real Dracula the fight is a little similiar. Just make sure to pay close attention to where he teleports and keep some healing items handy because he is harder then his servant. He'll also send out shockwaves that you just have to be careful to jump over. The last form of Dracula is the easiest. Just position yourself right in front of his body. If you stay almost right against him during the whole fight not one of his attacks should be able to hit you. So just sit their and whip away (well whip away with Reinhart at least).
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![]() ![]() This battle is very similar to the NES game, but a little different. You need the third whip, 10 hearts, and holy water. For some reason, I have a terrible time jumping over fireballs to the left. I don't know why, but I can't do it. So what I do is just duck, and whip the two fireballs that go down. Use the same strategy as the First CastleVania. As you start to kick his butt, and rip him a new one, he get's a little faster and shoots 5 instead of 3 fireballs. Don't fret they are the same distance and height as the three. Continue to jump over and whip his head, or duck and hit the fireballs just to block them. When you beat his first form his head will fly off and some crazy stuff will happen. Not really, he just turns into his poorly animated second form. Throw holy water at his feet and jump and whip. Holy Water Actaully hurts him this time so it goes a heck of a lot quicker. Only this time he jumps up in the air and shoot green stuff down on the floor. Don't worry you should have at least two hits left for when he does this. Continue not letting him move and it should never happen though. a triple does help, so keep the holy water from earlier in the level, if you can make it that far.
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![]() ![]() ![]() When you first get to the Ceremonial Room, Dracula's first form is, once again, his usual "teleport and throw fireballs" bit. Just whip him anywhere. After this, I suggest saving, because this is a fairly tough battle. Step into the light when you're ready to be transported to the final Dracula fight. You're going to spend a majority of this battle airborn using the super jump. I'd also put on some kind of defensive DSS spell - whichever gives you the most benefit. Dracula has three special attacks - a laser that fires towards the ground, a meteor shower and summoning a group of red blobs. You can tell what he does by the sound effects. For the laser, simply stay airborn. For the blobs, move as far away from Drac as possible, then drop and use your boomerang to destroy the blobs. The meteor shower, you're just going to have to stay on the ground and dodge. Now, in between these attacks, toss as many boomerangs as possible at the eye in his chest - it's only vulnerable when it opens. Keep repeating this. After enough damage, he'll begin to flash and begin his second attack pattern. At first, he'll charge straightforward and do an immense amount of damage. Just jump straight up to dodge this (and make sure not to fall make down on top of him.) After a few of these, he'll turn into a floating eyeball surrounded by bats. Either equip one of the DSS sword weapon or use a summon spell (jump on one of the platforms so it's easier to keep him on screen.) Eventually he'll start charging again, and just repeat the pattern. After enough hits, he'll go down.
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![]() ![]() ![]() Dracula hasn't fully formed in Harmony of Dissonance, but you'll still fight his spirit - which includes all of the body parts in a rather nasty-looking boss. Here's some strategies by Hadi Prasetyo:
First form:
Second form:
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You will want to have the Claim Solias for this fight or some other large sword that attacks in an arc. I recommend using the Death soul to get in some cheapshots when you aren't close enough to Graham to attack. I also recommend using either the Headhunter soul to boost your stats or the Succubus soul to heal yourself while fighting (Succubus is also very helpful dunring his second form). You can use any bullet soul you want but the Red Minotour one is the best but just make sure you have a lot of High Mind Ups or the Choas Ring if you are going to use this soul. Graham's first form is exactly like all of Drac's first forms. He will teleport around the room and and shoot 3 small fireballs, just jump over these and attack his head. He will also shoot 2 large fireballs one high and one low just jump over the low one and duck under the high one while trying to get close enough to hit him. He will also shoot a series of them all high just duck and slide to get close enough to hit him. After you inflict enough damage he will teleport to the center of the room and start release 3 giant fireballs that will move in a spiral pattern and he will release another set when the set before it gets close to the edge of the screen. Just jump and duck when appropriate to dodge the fireballs while staying close enough to Graham to hit his head. Graham's second form is very easy especially if you are using the Death and Succubus souls. All you have to do is position your self under one of the two female heads while facing Graham in the center. Now you want to duck and attack has many times with the Claim Solias until the "skull cloud" postion itself above you then slide under the other head and start to attack Graham again until the "cloud" is above you again. Just repeat this pattern until Graham is defeated. If you have the Succubus, Flame Demon and Giant Bat souls equipped, you'll be able to continue the game. Once you beat Julius and make your way through the Chaos Realm, you'll fight the true last boss. Chaos isn't too hard. Tie first form will steal all of your souls - the statues will occasionally turn into a beast that charges after you. Just dodge this and hack at the states as they rotate. After this part, your targets are the four eyes at the corners of the screen. Just dodge the snake and daggers that fly out from the center. This also isn't very hard, but the attack do inflict a large portion of damage, so just have your potions ready.
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Like all boss battles, you'll want to stock up on potions. He'll teleport around the room and unleash one of several attacks. The easiest are the large fireballs that can be blocked to gain magic. He'll occasionally lunge at you do, so either jump out of the way or block. Every once in awhile, he'll teleport to the throne, turn into a bat and unleash a huge explosion. Either run to the extremities of the room, or use the invicibility potion relic. Walter isn't too hard, really, he just wears you down before the final boss. Just remember that if you're playing as Joachim, use the manual aiming sword attack, because it does twice the damage as the auto aiming one.