Bad Ending:
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Juste: Lydie!!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She still draws breath, but... Damn! I'm too late.
Evil Maxim: Welcome to the party, Juste. You're late.
Juste: Maxim...
Evil Maxim: Maxim? Oh, his spirit no longer lives in me.
And I owe it all to that woman. Look at all the strength she's given me.
Juste: Dammit! No mercy for you.
Evil Maxim: Who needs mercy? Weak threats from an unworthy opponent...
Juste: Maxim... Forgive me...
Evil Maxim: You think I will lose... I, who wield the powers of Count Dracula...
Juste: Maxim was stronger than you are.
I don't believe you could have taken all that he was!
Evil Maxim: But if I die, he will perish as well. And the woman too...
Juste: ...
Evil Maxim: So this is goodbye...
With that cursed strength of yours, you'd better hunt down Dracula eternally.
Juste: Damn it all! Ultimately I couldn't save Lydie or Maxim. All that remains to remember them by is this bracelet... I couldn't even protect the ones I love. I failed as a Vampire Hunter! What on earth should I do with myself now...?
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Juste: Stop!
Maxim: J- Juste, it's you...
Juste: Lydie, are you all right?!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She's lost consciousness. But I think we made it here in time!
Maxim! You've still managed to hold onto your true self.
Maxim: Yes, by some means or another... but... I've reached my limit...
I- I beg you... Take my life.
Juste: Wha- What do you speak of? I can't...
Maxim: I can't hold on any longer. I can't fight the impulse...
Juste: But I... I cannot take your life.
Evil Maxim: Then, I'll make you kill me... Defend yourself!
Maxim: Thank you, Juste... For I did truly desire to be felled by your hand...
Juste: Maxim!
Maxim: I wanted to free you from your cursed fate...
Juste: That's enough. There's no need to speak of anything else...
Maxim: Take care of Lydie, will you...
Juste: Maxim!!!
Lydie: ... Oh, Ooh...
Juste: It looks like you're coming to...
Lydie: Have we... been saved?
Juste: Yes...
Lydie: Huh? Where's Maxim?
Juste: ... Maxim is... arghh...
Lydie: Juste... it's all right. You don't have to say anything more.
Juste: I... I...
Lydie: I have no idea about what happened between the two of you... but you mustn't
blame yourself. Blaming yourself is the same as blaming him.
Juste: Perhaps you're right... Indeed, Maxim would have agreed with you...
Lydie: At any rate, let's go home. We'll figure it all out after we've rested.
Juste: That sounds good... Let's go home, Lydie!
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Juste: Lydie!!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She still draws breath, but... Damn! I'm too late.
Evil Maxim: Welcome to the party, Juste. You're late.
Juste: Maxim...
Evil Maxim: Maxim? Oh, his spirit no longer lives in me.
And I owe it all to that woman. Look at all the strength she's given me.
Juste: Dammit! No mercy for you.
Evil Maxim: Who needs mercy? Weak threats from an unworthy opponent...
Maxim: Aaargh... Tha- That bracelet... You wore it for me...
Juste: ?! Maxim, is that you?
Evil Maxim: Wh- Why do you still live within me?! I thought you were dead!!
Juste: Remember, Maxim!! You're stronger than this!!
Maxim: You- You're right... But compared to the training we had... this is nothing.
Evil Maxim: Why!? Why can I not I free myself from you?
Maxim: Because I choose not to free you. Juste! Finish me off!!
Evil Maxim: Aaargh... I sense a strong magic at work...
Juste: The- The remains...
Evil Maxim: As long as I have this power, I have no need for this body! Here, have it!
Maxim: Aaaaaah!!
Dracula Wraith: Hmmph, I'm not stable, but your blood will once again make me whole.
Juste: Take it if you can... Do not underestimate the power of a Belmont...
Dracula Wraith: Ok, let us begin then. I will enjoy destroying you.
Dracula Wraith: Argggh!!
Juste: I told you so. Do not underestimate the power of my bloodline!!
Dracula Wraith: So- So this is the power of Belmont...
Juste: Vile spawn of Maxim: You are not worthy of being my opponent.
Dracula Wraith: I will now fade from this world... but I find some pleasure in this...
with the cursed powers of yours, destiny calls you to hunt for all eternity.
Maxim: ... Wh- Where am I?
Juste: Maxim, you've come back to us...
Maxim: Am I alive...?
Juste: You used your own strength to force him out of you.
Maxim: It wasn't my strength... it was yours and Lydie's...
?! What about Lydie?! Did you save her?
Juste: She hasn't revived, but the bite marks on her neck disappeared when Dracula was vanquished.
She's regained some color. It's just a matter of time before she wakes up.
Maxim: I see... Juste... Please forgive me...
Juste: It's all behind us now. Everyone's been saved, so there's nothing more to say.
Maxim: ... Thank you.
Lydie: ... Uhh... Ooh...
Juste: It's looks as if Lydie's coming to...
Lydie: Huh, Juste... What am I doing here?
I think... that I... was bitten by Maxim...
Juste: Calm down... you must have just had a bad dream. Feel your neck.
Lydie: ... There's nothing there... Huh, it was just a dream.
Maxim: Hey, tell here the truth...
Juste: Shhh! Keep quiet.
Lydie: What...? Maxim! You've come back!
Maxim: Yes, but actually...
Juste: Yes, Maxim. I'm sure you're exhausted, so let's talk after we get home!
Maxim: No, I want to...
Juste: Come on, Maxim. Nothing happened! Isn't it best we leave it at that?
Maxim: No, that's not right! You should finish what you start...
Juste: What did you just say!?
Lydie: Cut it out, you two!
Maxim: ...
Juste: ...
Lydie: Stop it, both of you! Don't get started. We just got together!
Maxim: Actually, Lydie...
Lydie: I'll hear your stories at home. Until then, let's talk about other things.
Juste: You heard the lady.
Maxim: ... All right...
Lydie: Hee hee. It's been a while, hasn't it, since the three of us got together.
Juste: Yes, it has...
Maxim: Yes...
Thanks once again to ReyVGM of the Video Game Museum for these ending pictures.