Bad Ending:

If you defeat Maxim in Castle B, you'll get the worst ending, where Juste is teleported outside the castle. Then the castle crumbles, with Lydie and Maxim still insides. With his friends dead, Juste wonders what he'll do.


Juste: Lydie!!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She still draws breath, but... Damn! I'm too late.
Evil Maxim: Welcome to the party, Juste. You're late.
Juste: Maxim...
Evil Maxim: Maxim? Oh, his spirit no longer lives in me. And I owe it all to that woman. Look at all the strength she's given me.
Juste: Dammit! No mercy for you.
Evil Maxim: Who needs mercy? Weak threats from an unworthy opponent...


Juste: Maxim... Forgive me...
Evil Maxim: You think I will lose... I, who wield the powers of Count Dracula...
Juste: Maxim was stronger than you are. I don't believe you could have taken all that he was!
Evil Maxim: But if I die, he will perish as well. And the woman too...
Juste: ...
Evil Maxim: So this is goodbye... With that cursed strength of yours, you'd better hunt down Dracula eternally.


Juste: Damn it all! Ultimately I couldn't save Lydie or Maxim. All that remains to remember them by is this bracelet... I couldn't even protect the ones I love. I failed as a Vampire Hunter! What on earth should I do with myself now...?

Medium Ending:

If you defeat Maxim in Castle A, you'll get the "not quite bad" ending, where you save Lydie, but Maxim is killed.


Juste: Stop!
Maxim: J- Juste, it's you...
Juste: Lydie, are you all right?!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She's lost consciousness. But I think we made it here in time! Maxim! You've still managed to hold onto your true self.
Maxim: Yes, by some means or another... but... I've reached my limit... I- I beg you... Take my life.
Juste: Wha- What do you speak of? I can't...
Maxim: I can't hold on any longer. I can't fight the impulse...
Juste: But I... I cannot take your life.
Evil Maxim: Then, I'll make you kill me... Defend yourself!


Maxim: Thank you, Juste... For I did truly desire to be felled by your hand...
Juste: Maxim!
Maxim: I wanted to free you from your cursed fate...
Juste: That's enough. There's no need to speak of anything else...
Maxim: Take care of Lydie, will you...
Juste: Maxim!!!


Lydie: ... Oh, Ooh...
Juste: It looks like you're coming to...
Lydie: Have we... been saved?
Juste: Yes...
Lydie: Huh? Where's Maxim?
Juste: ... Maxim is... arghh...
Lydie: Juste... it's all right. You don't have to say anything more.
Juste: I... I...
Lydie: I have no idea about what happened between the two of you... but you mustn't blame yourself. Blaming yourself is the same as blaming him.
Juste: Perhaps you're right... Indeed, Maxim would have agreed with you...
Lydie: At any rate, let's go home. We'll figure it all out after we've rested.
Juste: That sounds good... Let's go home, Lydie!

Best Ending:

If you beat Maxim in Castle B with the Maxim and Juste Bracelets equipped, then both Lydie and the non-possessed Maxim are saved when you transported outside of the castle. The two buddies joke around with each other while Lydie scolds them.


Juste: Lydie!!
Lydie: ...
Juste: She still draws breath, but... Damn! I'm too late.
Evil Maxim: Welcome to the party, Juste. You're late.
Juste: Maxim...
Evil Maxim: Maxim? Oh, his spirit no longer lives in me. And I owe it all to that woman. Look at all the strength she's given me.
Juste: Dammit! No mercy for you.
Evil Maxim: Who needs mercy? Weak threats from an unworthy opponent...


Maxim: Aaargh... Tha- That bracelet... You wore it for me...
Juste: ?! Maxim, is that you?
Evil Maxim: Wh- Why do you still live within me?! I thought you were dead!!
Juste: Remember, Maxim!! You're stronger than this!!
Maxim: You- You're right... But compared to the training we had... this is nothing.
Evil Maxim: Why!? Why can I not I free myself from you?
Maxim: Because I choose not to free you. Juste! Finish me off!!
Evil Maxim: Aaargh... I sense a strong magic at work...
Juste: The- The remains...
Evil Maxim: As long as I have this power, I have no need for this body! Here, have it!
Maxim: Aaaaaah!!
Dracula Wraith: Hmmph, I'm not stable, but your blood will once again make me whole.
Juste: Take it if you can... Do not underestimate the power of a Belmont...
Dracula Wraith: Ok, let us begin then. I will enjoy destroying you.


Dracula Wraith: Argggh!!
Juste: I told you so. Do not underestimate the power of my bloodline!!
Dracula Wraith: So- So this is the power of Belmont...
Juste: Vile spawn of Maxim: You are not worthy of being my opponent.
Dracula Wraith: I will now fade from this world... but I find some pleasure in this... with the cursed powers of yours, destiny calls you to hunt for all eternity.


Maxim: ... Wh- Where am I?
Juste: Maxim, you've come back to us...
Maxim: Am I alive...?
Juste: You used your own strength to force him out of you.
Maxim: It wasn't my strength... it was yours and Lydie's... ?! What about Lydie?! Did you save her?
Juste: She hasn't revived, but the bite marks on her neck disappeared when Dracula was vanquished. She's regained some color. It's just a matter of time before she wakes up.
Maxim: I see... Juste... Please forgive me...
Juste: It's all behind us now. Everyone's been saved, so there's nothing more to say.
Maxim: ... Thank you.
Lydie: ... Uhh... Ooh...
Juste: It's looks as if Lydie's coming to...
Lydie: Huh, Juste... What am I doing here? I think... that I... was bitten by Maxim...
Juste: Calm down... you must have just had a bad dream. Feel your neck.
Lydie: ... There's nothing there... Huh, it was just a dream.
Maxim: Hey, tell here the truth...
Juste: Shhh! Keep quiet.
Lydie: What...? Maxim! You've come back!
Maxim: Yes, but actually...
Juste: Yes, Maxim. I'm sure you're exhausted, so let's talk after we get home!
Maxim: No, I want to...
Juste: Come on, Maxim. Nothing happened! Isn't it best we leave it at that?
Maxim: No, that's not right! You should finish what you start...
Juste: What did you just say!?
Lydie: Cut it out, you two!
Maxim: ...
Juste: ...
Lydie: Stop it, both of you! Don't get started. We just got together!
Maxim: Actually, Lydie...
Lydie: I'll hear your stories at home. Until then, let's talk about other things.
Juste: You heard the lady.
Maxim: ... All right...
Lydie: Hee hee. It's been a while, hasn't it, since the three of us got together.
Juste: Yes, it has...
Maxim: Yes...

Thanks once again to ReyVGM of the Video Game Museum for these ending pictures.