Chapter I
"The Memory Remains"
Waking up in the night after a horrible nightmare of a bloody battle field with a castle rising from the ground, the same nightmare he had every night for the past two weeks. And a strangly familiar face summoning Draven to seek out the castle. Opening his eyes and as hismind returns himself to the world of darkness that surrounds him.
"Why do I have that dream over an over again?" he asks himself.
Darkness covering the earth like a blanket of fear outside. Closing his eyes trying to go back to sleep knowing that probably would not be able to, he hears a faint whisper
"Remember, remember what you are, listen to your blood, listen to your soul!".
Opening his eyes to see who is speaking, he sees darkness of the night against his room, but there is no one in the there.
"Remember what? I know who I am... Do I?"
A cold chill creeps into the room, as he goes to close the window he sees someone in a cloack standing under his window. The figure looks from under the hood revealing that there was no face under, just emptiness... It calls him by his name
"Draven come with me." he says hissing "How do you know my name? Do I know you?" Draven responds.
"I am the releaser of your fate, I am the times puppet. Come with me Draven" he continues.
As though knowing that the cloacked person would not hurt him, Draven puts some clothing on and goes outside. The bloody red moon lights the path to the woods where the cloacked figure is leading Drave. This strange felling that he has been waiting for this moment and that the mysterious person is someone he could trust. The woods seemed strangley calm this night, there were no sounds, no owl, no wolf, only the wind whispering quietly in his ear.
"Remember, remember what you are. Remember us, remember what we thought you."
The path has ended and Draven saw a big field in the middle of a thick dark forest. The field was eluminated by the red moonlight. He could only see the cloacked stranger walk closer and closer to what seemed to be an outline of a cross in the middle of the field. As Draven drew closer to the cross he noticed that it had an inscription on it.
"Here lies Richter Belmont. Thou shall find what he is looking for under a Aquarius." the inscription read.
Puzzeled by the inscription Draven turns around to ask the cloacked man what this could have ment, but he was nowhere to be found. Draven noticed that there was a stone near the cross it had an h scratched on it.
"The Aquarius sign!"
Lifting up the rock Draven noticed a string sticking out of the ground. He pulled on the string and found an old bag, in the bag there was a flask of blue water, a cross and an old leather whip with an word "Belmont" on it.
Taking the whip into his hands he saw centuries of fighting and bloodshed, endless battles, unimaginable power, unsotpoble pain, death and hope. The whip and its beholder gave hope for a different outcome, an undescided one.