This list of Game Genie codes and passwords was compiled by Kurt Kalata ( from various sources on the Internet. Visit my Castlevania site:, If I screwed up anything here, please tell me. Thanks! I can't guarantee that the Game Genie codes work though. My NES Game Genie doesn't seem to work any more, and I don't have them for the SNES/Genesis. Castlevania 1 WEOGOPIE Start with 42 hearts, the first heart that you get takes it up to 99 EYNKXPGA+EYNGSAGA 238 lives AANGSAGE Start with 8 lives AANKXPGE ASOGOPIA Start with 80 power hearts AXOGOPIE Start with 40 power hearts GZOGYUSE Keep weapons after losing a life KXESUZKA Weapons don't use power hearts KZSSEZKA OXNGLZVK Infinite lives (NOTE: You may notice some extra flicker on the screen. Try pressing the RESET button to clear it.) PANGSAGA Start with 1 life PANKXPGA SXXXYAAX Infinite time ZEUTAYAA Gain rapid fire shots on weapon pick-up Castlevania 2 AISKTIAL Start with more energy-- Works on 1st game only, not continues AZSKTIAL Start with less energy-- Works on 1st game only, not continues IYSKZIAI Start game with 75 hearts-- Works on 1st game only, not continues IZSKZIAI Start game with 25 hearts-- Works on 1st game only, not continues PASGLILA Start with 1 life-- Works on 1st game only, not continues PASGLILE Start with 9 lives-- Works on 1st game only, not continues SZSSYLSA Infinite energy-- Works on 1st game only, not continues TASGLILA Start with 6 lives-- Works on 1st game only, not continues NASKZIAS Start with 95 hearts, first game only APSGLILE Start with 24 lives, not after continues YPSGLILE Start with 31 lives, not after continues PLSGLILE Start with 57 lives, not after continues PGSGLILE Start with 73 lives, not after continues Castlevania 3 To get the Game Genie screen to come on, turn on the NES, then press Start. Any time after that, quickly turn the power off and then back on. SXPAOO Infinite Lives. SXYAPO Infinite time, good only for a high score at the end of the Level. VNLZPA Try walking, and you can't always get things. VPLLTG Whip hits any thing that is up to eight blocks away from you, even behind you. SOTLYK Takes twice as many hits for enemies, not bosses. NYGPZA Start with 10 lives without the HELP ME password. SXIAOO Less time, it looks like there is more, but there is actually less. SXPAKO The background is very different. VOYOKN Small hearts don't fall down or go away. VNLZPA Try walking right or left. **ZOGG Find a ________ at the start of level 1 TO 1up TE Ax NX Clock OX Sacred Water Super Castlevania 4 1 DD6C-DD66 Infinite lives--switch off effects to get a password 2 FDB2-D4AF Start with 10 lives--first game only 3 DFB2-D4AF Start with 1 life--first game only 4 A689-0FD7 Infinite shots for most weapons 5 BBB3-D40F Start with 99 hearts --1st life only 6 9DB3-D40F Start with 50 hearts --1st life only 7 D22F-07D7 No energy lost when hit by some enemies (Dracula still does damage) 8 6D6D-DF06 Stop timer 9 5E6D-DDA6 Slower timer 10 FE6D-DDA6 Faster timer Castlevania: Dracula X Castlevania Dracula X(tm) Game 1. C96D-17FF Infinite energy 2. 4D21-1707 Start with half energy 3. F421-1707 Start with 1/4 energy 4. 7D21-1707 Start with 3/4 energy 5. DD29-1763 Small hearts worth 0 6. FD29-1763 Small hearts worth 10 7. 4929-1763 Small hearts worth 25 8. C9A6-3D94 Item Crash doesnÕt use hearts 9. 6D81-170F Start with 99 hearts 10. 9D81-170F Start with 50 hearts 11. 4981-170F Start with 25 hearts 12. DD85-1D6F Start with 1 life 13. DB85-1D6F Start with 10 lives 14. 4085-1D6F Start with 25 lives 15. 0B85-1D6F Start with 50 lives 16. BB85-1D6F Start with 99 lives 17. C9AF-47A7 Infnite lives 18. 49A4-44D7 Start with 25 hearts after you die 19. 9DA4-44D7 Start with 50 hearts after you die 20. BBA4-44D7 Start with 99 hearts after you die 21. DD6F-CFBF No Invincibility after gettting hit 22. EE6F-CFBF More invincibility after getting hit 23. C969-CD2D 1 hit and youÕre invincible The Castlevania Adventure GB 048-5EF-E62 Start with 5 lives 068-5EF-E62 Start with 7 lives 025-5CF-C42 Start with 2 energy bars 045-5CF-C42 Start with 4 energy bars 065-5CF-C42 Start with 6 energy bars 029-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 2:15 049-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 4:15 079-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 7:15 00A-F28-3B7 Infinite energy 004-07F-3B7 Infinite time--switch off at end of stages to go on 006-94F-3B7 Infinite lives *=1st stage only Castlevania 2: GB 008-59C-6E2 Infinite Energy (switch off to beat levels) 00F-13F-E6E Infinite lives 007-BBB-E6E Infinite hearts Kid Dracula (GB) No, these do not work the Japanese Boku Dracula-kun. Sorry. 015-43F-E66 Start with 1 energy heart 055-43F-E66 Start with 5 energy hearts 005-4BF-E62 Start with 1 life 045-4BF-E62 Start with 5 lives 095-4BF-E62 Start with 10 lives FAB-F5A-4C1 Infinite lives 030-CD8-E6E Start on level 3 050-CD8-E6E Start on level 5 008-13F-367 Walk thru enemies and still keep energy hearts Castlevania Bloodlines(tm) Game FOR CODES 1 THRU 9, LEAVE # OF PLAYERS AT 3 ON OPTIONS SCREEN. 1 ARFA-ANAR Start with 7 lives 2 ARFA-ARAR Start with 8 lives 3 ARFA-ATAR Start with 9 lives 4 ARFA-AWAR Start with 10 lives 5 ARFA-BAAR Start with 11 lives 6 ARFA-ALJR Start with 26 lives 7 ARFA-BATR Start with 51 lives 8 ARFA-BL2R Start with 76 lives 9 ARFA-BXAR Start with 100 lives 10 AA0A-DA42 Infinite lives 11 REST-C6XR Protection from most hazards--NOT FALLS 12 AE6T-ACCW Start with 1 continue 13 AN6T-AGCW Start with 3 continues 14 AY6T-ALCW Start with 5 continues 15 A66T-ARCW Start with 7 continues 16 BE6T-AWCW Start with 9 continues 17 AXJA-AA5N Infinite continues 18 A26T-AA22 Always restart on the last level (even if you choose END) CODES 19 THRU 77 START YOU WITH 1 LIFE ON 1ST GAME. ALSO, CODES 1 THRU 10 WILL NOT AFFECT 1ST GAME LIVES. CODE 10 WILL WORK ONLY IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 1 LIFE 19 9T6T-BGJ2 + AE6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-2 20 9T6T-BGJ2 + AJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-3 21 9T6T-BGJ2 + AN6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-4 22 9T6T-BGJ2 + A66T-AAA4 Start on level 1-5 23 9T6T-BGJ2 + BA6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-6 24 9T6T-BGJ2 + GN6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-6 Part 2 25 9T6T-BGJ2 + BE6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-7 26 9T6T-BGJ2 + BJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-8 27 9T6T-BGJ2 + BN6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-9 28 9T6T-BGJ2 + BT6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-10 29 9T6T-BGJ2 + BY6T-AAA4 Start on level 1-11 30 9T6T-BGJ2 + CE6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-1 31 9T6T-BGJ2 + CJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-2 32 9T6T-BGJ2 + CN6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-3 33 9T6T-BGJ2 + CY6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-4 34 9T6T-BGJ2 + C66T-AAA4 Start on level 2-5 35 9T6T-BGJ2 + DE6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-6 36 9T6T-BGJ2 + DA6T-AAA4 Start on level 2-7 37 9T6T-BGJ2 + DJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-1 38 9T6T-BGJ2 + DN6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-2 39 9T6T-BGJ2 + D66T-AAA4 Start on level 3-3 40 9T6T-BGJ2 + GE6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-4 41 9T6T-BGJ2 + JA6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-4 (ALTERNATE ROUTE) 42 9T6T-BGJ2 + DT6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-5 43 9T6T-BGJ2 + GJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-6 44 9T6T-BGJ2 + D26T-AAA4 Start on level 3-7 45 9T6T-BGJ2 + ET6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-8 46 9T6T-BGJ2 + DY6T-AAA4 Start on level 3-9 47 9T6T-BGJ2 + EA6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-1 48 9T6T-BGJ2 + EE6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-2 49 9T6T-BGJ2 + EJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-3 50 9T6T-BGJ2 + EN6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-4 51 9T6T-BGJ2 + FE6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-5 52 9T6T-BGJ2 + FJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-6 53 9T6T-BGJ2 + KA6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-7 54 9T6T-BGJ2 + GY6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-8 55 9T6T-BGJ2 + FT6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-9 56 9T6T-BGJ2 + FY6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-10 57 9T6T-BGJ2 + F26T-AAA4 Start on level 4-11 58 9T6T-BGJ2 + G26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-1 59 9T6T-BGJ2 + G66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-2 60 9T6T-BGJ2 + J26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-2 (ALTERNATE ROUTE) 61 9T6T-BGJ2 + HA6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-3 62 9T6T-BGJ2 + HE6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-4 63 9T6T-BGJ2 + HT6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-5 64 9T6T-BGJ2 + J66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-6 65 9T6T-BGJ2 + H26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-7 66 9T6T-BGJ2 + H66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-8 67 9T6T-BGJ2 + JJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-1 68 9T6T-BGJ2 + JN6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-2 69 9T6T-BGJ2 + JY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-3 70 9T6T-BGJ2 + JT6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-4 71 9T6T-BGJ2 + E66T-AAA4 Start on level 6-5 72 9T6T-BGJ2 + C26T-AAA4 Start on level 6-6 73 9T6T-BGJ2 + FA6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-7 74 9T6T-BGJ2 + EY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-8 75 9T6T-BGJ2 + KY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-9 76 9T6T-BGJ2 + K26T-AAA4 Start on level 6-10 77 9T6T-BGJ2 + GA6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-11 78 HWET-AABT Start each life with 3/4 health 79 FCET-AABT Start each life with 1/2 health 80 CWET-AABT Start each life with 1/4 health 81 0B8A-D960 Meat power-up always fully heals 82 2V8A-D960 Meat power-up heals 3/4 of total health 83 7V8A-D960 Meat power-up heals 1/4 of total health 84 AB5T-CAE2 Red gems are worth 0 85 AK5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 2 86 AP5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 3 87 AV5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 4 88 AZ5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 5 89 CB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 10 90 EB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 20 91 GB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 30 92 AB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 0 93 BB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 8 94 CB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 10 95 EB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 20 96 GB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 30 97 JB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 40 98 LB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 50 99 JB7A-DJXA Weapon power-ups worth 2x as much (maximum normal level) 100 JB7A-DNXA Weapon power-ups instantly take you to maximum level 101 ANXT-CAHY Don't lose super weapon when damaged 102 AJYA-CA32 Don't lose super items (seeker orb/super holy water) when damaged 103 AWEA-AA98 Keep current item after dying--WEAPONS SOMETIMES BECOME INVISIBLE 104 AWET-AA2E Keep current weapon level after dying 105 AWET-AA5E Keep current number of gems after dying 106 BCET-BN30 Begin each life with 8 gems 107 C4ET-BN30 Begin each life with 16 gems 108 E0ET-BN30 Begin each life with 25 gems 109 LCET-BN30 Begin each life with 50 gems 110 R0ET-BN30 Begin each life with 75 gems 111 XGET-BN30 Begin each life with 99 gems 112 AC6A-CAAW Using holy water doesn't cost any gems 113 AL6A-CAAW Using holy water costs 2 gems DON'T USE AXE AND BOOMERANG CODES TOGETHER 114 AG6A-CAAY Using axe doesn't cost any gems 115 AG6A-CEAY Using axe costs 2 gems 116 AC6A-CCAY Using boomerang doesn't cost any gems 117 AL6A-CCAY Using boomerang costs 2 gems DON'T USE WATER AND AXE CODES TOGETHER 118 AW6A-CAA0 Using stronger (Up+C) holy water doesn't cost any gems 119 AC6A-CJA0 Using stronger axe doesn't cost any gems DON'T USE BOOMERANG AND WATER CODES TOGETHER 120 BC6A-CAA2 Using stronger boomerang doesn't cost any gems 121 AW6A-CJA2 Using seeker orb costs 4 gems instead of 8 122 AC6A-CJA2 Using seeker orb doesn't cost any gems 123 AC6A-CJA4 Using super holy water costs 4 gems instead of 8 124 AC6A-CAA4 Using super holy water doesn't cost any gems 125 RG5T-C6Z0 No items use up any gems when used