How to Learn Japanese Through Castlevania - Part 3

And that about does it. By no means is this a complete listing of everything you should know, but if you study, you'll find yourself a bit less lost next time you play an imported game. Have fun!

Phase 6: Lots of vocabulary


Kanji-Hiragana Romaji English
akai Red
aoi Blue
kuroi Black
shiroi White
atsui Hot
samui Cold (referring to weather)
tsumetai Cold (referring to other things)
tsuyoi Strong
yowai Weak
yoi, ii Good (though many times, this is just written as "ii")
warui Bad
atarashii New
ayashii Mysterious
noroi Cursed


Kanji-Hiragana Romaji English
da To be
iru To be (location, animate)
aru To be, to have (location, inanimate)
naru Become
suru Do
getto o suru Get (note the use of an English word followed by "suru" - this is common)
te ni ireru Obtain (literally, to enter hand)
hajimeru Begin
tsuzuku Continue
kiru Cut/slash
dekiru Can do
tatakau Fight
taosu Defeat
aruku Walk
nigeru Run away/escape
hashiru Run
shinu Die
korosu Kill
moeru Burn
wakaru Understand
kuru Come
iku Go
deru Come out/Leave
hairu Enter
kaeru Return (home)
modoru Return/Go Back (as in "Return to previous menu")
yomu Read
kaku Write
kiku Listen
miru Look
hanasu Talk
sumu Live
tasukeru Save
yameru Stop
matsu Wait
tsukau Use
kau Buy
uru Sell


Kanji-Hiragana Romaji English
gaiden Side Story
mokushiroku Apocalypse (Japanese Castlevania 64)
byakuya White Night/Midnight Sun (Japanese Harmony of Dissonance)
yasoukyoku Nocturne (Japanese Symphony of the Night)
zensoukyoku Prelude (Japanese Legends)
otoko Man
onna Woman
puchi Tiny
kyodai Gigantic
naka Middle/Inside
ue Above/Upper
shita Below/Lower
migi Right
hidari Left
chikara Power/Strength
hikari Light
yami Darkness
senshi Warrior
namida Tears
soubi Equipment
katana Sword
tsurugi Sword (pronounced "ken" in compounds.)
yari Spear
muchi Whip
ono Axe
jyuujika Cross
yubiwa Ring
udewa Bracelet
kagi Key
kagi Seal
chizu Map
mahou Magic
mizu Water
kouri Ice
honoo Flame
hi Fire
ikazuchi Lightning
shippu Wind
kaze Wind
shoukan Summon
tsuki Moon
taiyou Sun
tama Ball
ou King
uta Song
kyoku Piece of music
madou Heresy
oni Demon
bakemono Monster
yoru Night
akatsuki Dawn
kokoro Heart/Spirit
ishi Stone
maboroshi Illusion
bouken Adventure
densetsu Legend
namae Name
hane Feather
tsubasa Wing
sora Sky
ookami Wolf
koumori Bat
nomiotoko Fleaman
bourei Ghost (literally, dead soul)
hanebashira Bone Pillar
gaikotsu Skeleton
kyuketsuki Vampire
hakushaku Count (as in Count Dracula)
ryuu Dragon (as in "Strider Hiryuu")
ryuu Dragon
tori Bird
karasu Crow
fukurou Owl
tamashii Soul
fukkatsu Resurrection
kaidou Chapel
bochi Cemetary
iwaya Cavern
kawa River
yama Mountain
chi Blood
seigi Justice
ki Spirit/Mood
ningen Human
sekai World
taisen War (literally, "big battle")
yume Dream
akumu Nightmare (literally, "evil dream")
mori Forest
machi Town
inori Prayer
owari End
ki Tree
jidai Era
unmei Fate
niku Meat
hon Book
atama Head
karada Body
kougeki Attack/Offense
bougyo Defense
kiken Danger (this should be familiar to Metal Gear Solid players)

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