Medleys (MIDI)

Title Game Artist
Aqua Mix Castlevania 3 OptimusR
Dracula Medley Various OptimusR
Castlevania 1 Medley Castlevania 1 Tom Kim
Castlevania 2 Medley Castlevania 2 Tom Kim
Castlevania 3 Medley Castlevania 3 Tom Kim
VK Mix Vampire Killer
The Accursed Seal Various JILost
Castlevania Boogie Various Jayde
Konami Mix Various MSX games

Digital Music

Title File Type Location Used Artist
Out of Time S3M CV1, Level 5 Frostbite
Castlevania 4 Variations S3M Theme of Simon, SCV4, Level 1
Bloody Tears S3M CV2, Daytime Jotun
Vampire Killer XM CV1, Level 1
Vampire Killer XM CV1, Level 1
Wicked Child XM CV1, Level 3 Kent Hansen
Theme of Simon XM SCV4, Level 1 Frodon
Wicked Child MOD CV3, Level 3 Scott Kessler
Wicked Child IT CV3, Boss JILost
Dwelling of Doom IT CV2, Mansion Alex Childress
Silence of Daylight IT CV2, Town Antonio Reyna III
Monster Dance IT CV2, Night Alex Childress
Boss Fight IT CV3, Boss TR3 Forever
Bonds of Brave Men IT Bloodlines, Character Select JILost
Together Forever IT Bloodlines, Ending JILost

Emulator Music

Just what is emulator music, actually? It's actual sound code ripped straight from the game? Don't understand what that means? Don't worry, you don't have to. Basically, you can listen to the complete soundtracks to these games with very close (if not perfect) quality and MUCH smaller file sizes than MP3s. To use these, make sure to install WinAmp. Then, download the plugin for each file type and put it in the "plugin" subdirectory. Then open the file and you're set to go!

NSF Plug-In

Castlevania NSF
Castlevania 2 NSF
Castlevania 3 NSF
Boku Dracula NSF
Konami World NSF

SPC Plug-In

Dracula X SPCs
Super Castlevania 4 SPCs

GYM Plug-In

Castlevania Bloodlines GYMs


Calling from Heaven (from Castlevania Bloodlines, as it would sound on a NES.) NSF format. By JILost.