Top 20 Reasons Why The N64 Castlevanias Kicked Ass!

By Jorge D. Fuentes

Reason 10 - "Children of the Corn" Evils

This kid just plain freaks me out. Getting freaked out is something I somewhat enjoy in a CV Game. Not just shock value, just getting freaked out.

Evil Evil, I say! Evil... you can see it in his eyes. Evil... in more ways than one. Evil... incarnate.

Reason 9 - Towers, Towers, and more Towers!

Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of the multitude of awesome towers which are showcased in the N64 Castlevanias... all I can do (for now) is list them. All of these towers have a theme to them, and they're very nice, graphically speaking.

Reason 8 - The Coolest Intro... Ever!

The opening with the Castle (see above), and the orchestral music into Malus playing a "Destructive Melody" as stated in the prophecy at the end of Legacy of Darkness, is an awesome way to start the game. It's also awesome that the Destructive Melody just happens to be... Opposing Bloodlines! Awesomeness.

Castlevania64's Awesome Violin Intro.

Reason 7 - "Hail to the King!"

I love this character. With his holy Boomstick of Power, he shoots in a straight line at enemies, and can crack skeleton skulls open from a distance, heh heh. When he powers up his six-shooter with two Sword Crest Icons, his bullets come loaded with a nasty electical holy charge that really smarts! Having unlimited bullets and having the ability to shoot six bullets before reloading (which just takes a second) can really make this a fun character to play as. I only wish his quest was longer. Still, it's really cool to play as him.

'Hail to the King, baby!' 'See this?  This is my BOOMSTICK!!!'

Reason 6 - The VILLA! *Lightning Strikes*

This place has been renowned as one of the best places in Castlevania. It's a really nice place, and has a dark, damp "Resident Evil" kind of eerie quietness. Even its background theme "Silent Madness" sends chills down one's spine.

The Villa's Front Entrance The Villa's Back Entrance

Reason 5 - Chainsaw Frankie... and another Army of Darkness Reference

Seriously, this guy frightened the living bejeezus out of me more than Malus did... when he'd just dash at me like a madman at hypersonic speed... with a chainsaw for an arm! NOH! Anyway, this man is so cool, that I tried to get a profile picture of him... and here it is!

I'll shred ya!

Profile picture of Chainsaw Frankie. I can't believe I managed to get him to pose for me. Gotta love my graphics manipulation methods... heh heh.

Reason 4 - References to Van Helsing

Charlie Vincent may be the most lazy-ass Vampire Hunter in existence, but if it weren't for him, we wouldn't see the Best Ending in Reinhardt and Carrie's Quest. Still... you gotta wonder how he made it across the Tower of Duels and the Tower of Execution with nothing but a little Doctor's bag full of trinkets. The cross he wears on his back reminds me of Maxim, for some reason... it'd be cool if Charlie was a playable character, and actually used that sucker as a huge boomerang in battle or something. Or he could use it maybe like Wolfwood from TriGun... BLAM BLAM BLAM! Heh heh... okay, I've had my fun.

'Obstinate Youth!  I will give you one more warning.  Leave this place without delay!'

Reason 3 - True Love

In this game, I was actually moved by the lengths that the characters go in order to fulfill their quest, or their will to survive. However, one thing that stands out more here than in other CV games is the fact that there is True Love here. Below are some examples of True Love in a Castlevania game, which I found to be quite moving.

They escape the Castle and end up together. True Love Conquers All. 'The battle between Dracula and Humanity is endless.  But we've got each other and we've got Love... and that gives us hope, and the courage to fight Despair' -Reinhardt-

Reason 2 - Homage to Simon Belmont

Simon's Castlevania II - Simon's Quest Armor is revived in this game. Single Pauldron. Barbarian-style Plate Mail, it kicks a lot of ass. Unfortunately, this antique has lost its vibrant deep red color over the centuries... and now appears to be a worn out Pink. Still, Reinhardt Schneider honors his ancestor, by wearing this Armor as his hidden Alternate Costume, an exclusive Castlevania64 Easter Egg. Gotta love old-school stuff.

A real Hero can cross Castle Ramparts in Inclement Weather with nothing but Tights and Armor on! I honor my Ancestors! Even my Hair is set up to look like the Captain N Simon!... uh... maybe not Simon Belmont is my favorite Ancestor!

Reason 1 - Vampires, Vampires, and More VAMPIRES!

What would a Vampire game be without Vampires? Well, it would be a Castlevania game, since Castlevania has usually had only Dracula, and sometimes one henchman who is a Vampire (Olrox, Carmilla). However, we've got Vampires up the Wazoo in the N64 ones... which is a nice welcome addition. We're not just talking Vampire Ninja Maids either, an entire slew of a Cast of Bloodsuckers attacks our heroes in the N64 Castlevania. And here they are!

Vampire Villa Denizen Vampire Butler - Can attack with Balls of Lightning This former guest of the Castle crawls along the floor like a spider and summons Bats to attack the Heroes In LoD, when Reinhardt's quest happens, KCEK changed the Vampire Lords of the Villa into THESE Monstrosities. Vampire Ninja Maids exist here, too! These Vampire Ninja Maids are more vicious than the others. Once used as Food, these creatures are now roaming about with Vampires Vampires will often disguise themselves as average Townspeople, then will attack without warning. When Transformed, they look like this. Even Henry's Father was unable to escape the Vampires' grasp.  He too became a creature of the Night.

That concludes this Document. Since I don't have an actual webpage built yet, don't contact me with info on it yet, heh heh... This will probably be forgotten quite quickly, but I'll keep it 'cuz it's cool. G'night, everybody!

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