Bug Robot
 These bizarre creations, found in level 4 of Bloodlines, look like Mega Man rejects. Why, Konami, why?
Helmeted Skeletons
 These are skeletons wearing German helmets, the same as worn by the Nazis. I suppose it's supposed to be terrifying, but
it's all rather silly.
 One of the most interesting things in the Palace of Versailles in Castlevania Bloodlines are the variety of knights that attack you. Unfortunately, some of the ideas were just stupid. Witness the Knight-On-Wheels, which keeps coming after you
until you blow it up.
Gatling Gun Knight
 Another bad idea from the Palace of Versailles, this creation would have potential if it weren't so darned silly. I realize they wanted to go for the medeival/modern clash by combining armor with a gun, but...no. Just no.
Ninja Zombie Maids
 This is one of the coolest bad guys ever. Undead maids that do back flips
and toss knives? Totally sweet! These are found in the last level of Chronicles.
Venus Weed
 There's nothing particularly "wrong" about Symphony of the Night's Venus Weed persay. She
just happens to be the sexiest Castlevania baddie ever created and deserves some credit. Her long hair, her lush body, her lust-filled screams - all make her infinitely desirable. If only there were no boundery between she and I, we could.....I'll stop there. The green version is even sultrier.

A runner-up for the "Sexiest Castlevania Baddie" (behind the above Ms. Venus Weed and Ms. Succubus), she is accompanied by her adorable little
black kittie cat. Why must Konami force us to face such cute enemies? Alas, they make
repeat appearances in Harmony of Dissonance.

Just...what in GOD'S name is this? And what the hell kind of name is Schmoo, anyway? Well, I wondered that until a nice fellow by the name of Aderack let me know that Schmoos are blob-like creatures from Al Capp's Li'l Abner comics. They're
semi-intelligent... kind of. But they like to be eaten. And so the hick-like
residents of the comic did just that. They reproduce at an alarming rate, and
soon the world was overrun by schmoon. In any case, this is another Sympony of the Night villain - kill enough
them to get one of the best weapons in the game!

Obviously a gag enemy, the Dodo is faced in the inverted castle of Symphony
of the Night, and just runs away from you. However, like the Schmoo, it yields
a very good weapon if you're lucky.
Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion

The developers of Symphony of the Night must've thought it would be funny to fight evil versions of the Wizard of Oz trio. Would be more amusing if there were a demonic Dorothy or Toto too.
The Lion even backs away cowardly when you try to attack.
Skeleton Medalist

Like the similarly bizarre Skeleton Athlete, the Skeleton Medalist runs very quickly - straight into a wall. Over and over and over. The only way to catch him is through some DSS enhancements
and some quick reflexes. He gives a lot of experience and even drops the elusive Bear Ring.
Rare Ghost

This silly little colorful bad guy only appears at random spots throughout the castle, though
he supposedly appears most in the room underneath the transporter in the Castle B clocktower.
Idn't it adorable?
Motorcycle Skeletons

This caused one of the larger uproars over Castlevania 64. Even though
the game took place around 1850, skeletons were riding motorcycles. With
machine guns. Konami said this was due to "Dracula's magic", but this is
more the designers insanity than anything else. (Sorry for the low
quality of the picture.)