Doujin Night mode ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A ALLTYNEX SecondBack to top B Big Bang Beat: 1st Impression Black Bird Blood-over- Broken ThunderBack to top C Chantelise Cherry Tree High Comedy Club! Cherry Tree High Girls’ Fight Cherry Tree High! I! My! Girls! Cinderella Escape 2!! Revenge Cinderella Escape! Clannad Spelunker Crimzon Clover Cyber Crush 2069Back to top D Duo PrincessBack to top F Fortune SummonersBack to top G Gigantic Army Graze Counter Gunners HeartBack to top H Hatoful Boyfriend Hellsinker Huuma Mina: The Game Hydra Castle LabyrinthBack to top K Kaikan KamuiBack to top L La-MulanaBack to top M Master Burner Mitsurugi Kamui HikaeBack to top O One Way Heroics Osyaberi! Horijyo! Gekihori: Anna Holinski Saves the Universe, Alright?!Back to top P Palette Pharaoh RebirthBack to top R Rabi-Ribi Raid Wind 2: ALLTYNEX Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth Record of Rozen War: ALiBAT RefleX RevolterBack to top S Satazius Scar of the Doll, A Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo Shuujin e no Pert-em-Hru Soldier Force Steel Gunner Supercharged Robot VULKAISERBack to top T Touhou Luna Nights Trouble WitchesBack to top V ValstarBack to top Y YatagarasuBack to top