Well, Dave, since you decided to show up at least once, I'm going to hope by some chance you'll stick around for a bit. I'd love for nothing more than that, because there's a few points I'd like you to talk about. How about we sit here and discuss how you took a number of my early reviews, changed a line or two, and then claimed them as your own? How about we discuss how you wrote a couple of viewpoints and put them under my name when I had NEVER touched the game? How about we talk about how I was almost fired because I showed back up after Christmas break with dyed hair, yet you didn't have the guts to tell me that to my face? How about we talk about the packages that I had sent to GameFan for me personally that you put in your office, opened up, and I had to beg you for them? How about discussing how 12 or so copies of a game would come in, as a gift from a game company, with intent that a copy would be given to each staff member, but those games were kept by you and Jay and given out as gifts to your friends and family? How about how you went nuts over whomever was the new staff member of the month, until you got bored of them, and then moved on to be entralled by someone else? (Just as you do with projects.) How about we discuss how much of a god damned phony you are, such as when you decided that you would be the best person to take over AnimeFan when you didn't know jack shit about anime beyond what you had overheard Casey and Nick talking about? How about situations where Mike Griffin and I busted our asses on that peripheral special for whatever issue of GF it was, only so that you could toss your pic into the layout to make it seem like the whole thing was your doing? What about the fact that you could look us in the face and blatently LIE to us about everything that was going on, empty promise after promise, when both side knew damn well that it was a lie? How about the fact that even the people you thought were closest to you would tear your apart verbally as soon as you were out of earshot? How about how you wanted total control over ALL aspects of the magazine, even so far as to what each person had as their character? Remember that shit scientist crap you so graciously gave to me without ever once asking what I wanted for a character? Remember that oh so wonderful "Eggbert" name you were so jazzed to stick me with? How about the times when people wrote viewpoints for games you loved, and you either changed them a bit to be more positive, or you got someone else to write a replacement one instead? You know, I'm just curious if things like that are going to be in this book you're thinking about writing. Are they? You going to put some of those little facts in your book? I'm sure you have a lot of opinions about me, that I'm an ungrateful asshole, that you gave me a chance and this is how I'm treating you, whatever. You know, for as much as I got dicked over by you, for as much as you insulted me either in things you said or things you did, I actually DO feel a bit bad for pointing out all of these truths in the hopes that it makes you feel like shit. I used to really respect you. I used to read GameFan, and I really thought you were a cool guy whose I saw almost as a rockstar. Then, I met you, and I realized that you were so full of shit that it wasn't funny, that you didn't know a DAMN about what you are doing, and that you think you know far more about video games than you actually know. As well, I came to realize that you have not ONE clue how to actually interact with normal human beings, and that you have the attitude and persona of a spoiled child who cries and pouts anytime he doesn't get his way. I said it before and I'll say it again - if you could write an entire magazine yourself, you would, because you seem to put so little value in the opinions of others. And, as far as me being unappreciative of the chance you gave me - you know what, I DO appreciate the chance I got. However, I'll make something very clear - I got there just as much because of whatever talent I have as I did because of the chance you gave me. I didn't get into GameON! USA and Animerca because of you. I didn't have a fanzine that won a number of awards because of you. I absolutely hate the idea of giving myself any credit for what I've done, but I'll be DAMNED if I will accept someone like you berating my writing skills. I should have punched your damn lights out the first time you insulted me like that so many years ago. My writing may be shit compared to a lot of people, but I'd put myself up against you when it comes to writing ANY day. I was fully behind you when I joined GameFan, and even when I didn't have a paycheck I could rely on, why I didn't know if I'd have a job two weeks later, I was STILL loyal to GameFan until the day it died, long after you had abandoned it. I did so because I believed in the idea behind the magazine. Had you not been so full of yourself, had you not been such an egotistical bastard who cases about no one but himself, had you actually given me - and the rest of the people on the GameFan staff who never got a REAL chance - had you given us an honest chance to show what we could really do, GameFan would have been one hundred times the magazine it was. I'm nothing special, I don't claim to be an expert on anything, but if honestly given the chance, I work my ass off to produce the very best that I can. When I was finally given the chance to prove what I could do, I turned AnimeFan into something it had never been before, and something your "same-old same-old" AnimeRepublic section could never have even hoped to be. That same potential was in people like Mike Griffin, Mike Hobbs, Dan Jevions, and other people who worked under you that you never gave a serious chance to. I know them the best because they were my best friends there, so I only really know their full potential - but each one of those people could produce stuff that would blow your mind. Each of them was dedicated, determined, and had the passion for the industry that you want people to believe you have. So what happened? They had to beg and plead with you to be able to really do some great stuff, and rarely did you let them. Instead, you were more interested in what silly little stuff you could do for the issue, how many pages the games you liked got. You are such a great example of the situation where someone idolizes someone, meets them in person, and then finds out how much of an asshole they are. If all of the people in here who say so many good things about you actually met you, their tune would be different afterwards. I know, because I was EXACTLY like them before I met you. I hope, I PRAY, that one day you'll realize what kind of person you are, that you'll stop caring about only yourself, that you'll realize how much you have dicked over so many people for your own gains, how much you have lied and decieved people to help boost your "rockstar" lifestyle, and that you'll really open your eyes and be a decent person. I have every belief that you indeed could be a really great guy, even after all of the crap you put me, and so many others who have worked for you, through. And, you know... maybe you have changed. I fully admit it, I haven't met you for a while, so maybe you did become an honestly good person. Maybe you'll come in here and admit that every single thing I've said here is the utter truth, and that you feel bad for how you acted in the past. Maybe you'll act like a man and come in here and respond to what I've said, and offer up a mature discussion over at least some of the points I've brought up. Or, maybe you'll respond, make some excuses, and call me a liar. I'm sorry to say that if I were forced to make a bet here, my money would be on the latter.