Series: Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell (PS1)
Masamune Shirow, real name apparently Masanori Ota, needs little introduction. As the creative mind behind the phenomenally popular manga series of Appleseed (1985), Dominion: …

Ghost in the Shell (PS2)
For the second game development was handed over to Cavia, which previously had worked on Drakengard and Resident Evil: Dead Aim. Not the …

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (PSP)
Developed by obscure company G-Artists (whose biggest claim to fame seems to be PS1 shoot-em-up Philosoma and the Kurushi puzzle games), and assisted …

Ghost in the Shell (Mobile Phones / Pachinko)
In addition to three main games, on PS1, PS2 and PSP, there’s a whole bunch of obscure, Japan only titles …