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Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 637: Chase HQ

LATE SUMMER AND EARLY AUTUMN OF ARCADE STILL WALKS AMONG US! Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank Taito’s 1988 combat racing game.

Taito Milestones 2

The first Taito Milestones compilation was a somewhat baffling collection of titles from the company’s output of the 1980s. Thankfully,

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 636: Vampire Survivors

Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank a game that you would never play if someone didn’t recommend it to you first, let’s be honest.

Robinson’s Requiem

Robinson’s Requiem is a sci-fi adaptation of the classic novel Robinson Crusoe, as you control someone stranded on a hostile

Urban Witch Story

A quick glance at Urban Witch Story and one might peg the game as a part of the Police Quest

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 635: Espgaluda

LATE SUMMER AND EARLY AUTUMN OF ARCADE RETURNS AGAIN! Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank a Cave shoot-em-up that is as beloved as it is unpronounceable.

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 634: Energy

Join the HG101 gang as they discuss one of those “Only on HG101” games you love.

Nightmare Frames

Nightmare Frames is the first commercial project by indie dev José María Meléndez, who produces games under the name Postmodern

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 633: Mortal Kombat II

Late Summer & Early Autumn of Arcade returns! Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank the most extreme Mortal Kombat since Mortal Kombat.

Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 632: Kaze no NOTAM: NOTAM of Wind

Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank the Artdink flight sim where you can just barely kind of fly.

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