Soul Blazer
One “series” that really slipped under the radar when it was released, but has since acquired a quite large fandom, …
Mission: Impossible (NES)
Americans are practically required by law to have at least heard of Mission: Impossible at some point in their lives. …
Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou
Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou (“Gofer’s Ambition”), called Vulcan Venture in Europe, upgrades almost everything from the original game, and …
Teddy Boy Blues
Teddy Boy, Yoji Ishii’s follow-up to Flicky, is all about controlling chaos. As a boy inside of a toy-infested labyrinth, …
64th Street: A Detective Story
Beat-em-ups are not a particularly varied genre by nature, but when you have a premise as blunt as “beat up …
Torin’s Passage
Torin’s Passage, a cartoonish fantasy adventure released late in Sierra’s adventure gaming life, was conceived as a counterpart to the …
Project: Snowblind
Deus Ex: Invisible War was supposed to be followed up with a third game known as Deus Ex: Clan Wars, a tactical …
Märchen Maze
Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland makes perfect fodder for a video game setting – a strange, alternate world full of …