Nanashi no Game
In 2008, Square Enix released Nanashi no Game, a survival horror game for the Nintendo DS. This was a major break …
Defenders of Oasis
This little RPG for Sega’s color handheld has long been associated with the Oasis games by confused gamers across the United States …
Al Lowe (Interview)
Al Lowe, a high school teacher and accomplished jazz musician, began dabbling with computer programming on his Apple II. These …
Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
The third console Joe & Mac game controls like Congo’s Caper, although this time it’s much closer to the first …
Blood Bros
While Cabal received a modest cabal of fans (apologies for the pun), it also had a sequel with which not too many …
Congo’s Caper
Wait, this doesn’t look much like a Joe & Mac game! It technically isn’t, but the Japanese title is Tatakae …
Murder on the Mississippi
In Activision’s Murder on the Mississippi you control the Sherlock Holmes-esque detective Sir Charles Foxworth, who is sharing a peaceful boat ride …
Super Air Zonk: Rockabilly Paradise
After the spectacular success of Air Zonk, one would expect that a CD sequel would offer even more of the …