Rival Schools United by Fate
Initially released in the arcades, and then a year later for the PS1, Rival Schools primarily focuses on a young …

3 Count Bout
It goes without saying that SNK are well known for their fighting games. And rightly so – they made about …

Mighty Final Fight
In 1991, the Super Nintendo had arrived, and the regular NES was rather quickly forgotten by most publishers. Not content …

Twinkle Star Sprites: La Petite Princesse
The original Twinkle Star Sprites came out in 1996, and it’s took nearly ten years for a new installment to …

Rival Schools (Characters / Introduction)
Rival Schools: United by Fate is a fighting game featuring bubbly cheerleaders, soccer players, hadoken-firing school teachers, devious principals with …

Power Instinct (Introduction / Characters)
Back when Street Fighter II first came out, things were a lot different. Arcades were filled with Street Fighter cabinets. Whole pages of magazines …

Seven years after Groove on Fight, developer Noise Factory decided to resurrect the series on the Neo Geo under the title Shin …

Purikura Daisakusen
The magical girl Kurara was so popular that she ended up starring in her own game, dubbed “Prikura Daisakusen”. (“Prikura” …

Gogetsuji Legends
Also known as “Power Instinct Legends” (although the title screen says Gogetsuji Legends), the third game is really more of an …

Power Instinct 2
Power Instinct 2 improves greatly on the fighting engine of the original, making for a game that’s far more playable. …