Top 47,858 Games of All Time Episode 733: Pepsiman + Devil World


Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank the cult classic PS1 advert-game about the man who spreads awareness of Pepsi. Then stick around, because our SUMMER ARCADE FEATURE continues with Konami’s otherworldly Gauntlet clone!

This weekend’s Patreon Bonus Get episode will be OPERATION WOLF — Taito’s hit arcade light gun game about one of those army guys who walks sideways most of the time! Donate at Patreon to get this bonus content and much, much more!

Follow the show on Bluesky to get the latest and straightest dope. Check out what games we’ve already ranked on the Big Damn List, then nominate a game of your own via five-star review on Apple Podcasts! Take a screenshot and show it to us on our Discord server! Intro music by NORM.

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