Taito Night mode ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Aqua Jack Arabian MagicBack to top B Barbarian (PS2/GC) Bubble Bobble Double Shot Bubble Bobble Evolution Bubble Bobble Part 2 Bubble Bobble Revolution Bubble Bobble (Arcade) Bubble Bobble (Console Ports) Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back Bubble Memories Bubble SymphonyBack to top C Cabal Chase HQ Classic Bubble Bobble Cleopatra Fortune Cloud Master Crime CityBack to top D Darius DariusBurst Darius Cozmic Collection Darius Gaiden Darius II Darius Twin Dead Connection Demon Sword Demon’s World Dino Rex Don Doko Don Don Doko Don 2 Dungeon MagicBack to top E Elevator Action ReturnsBack to top F Fairyland Story, The Fighters’ Impact First Funky Fighter, TheBack to top G Galactic Storm Gekirindan Great Swordsman Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer Growl Gun Frontier G-Darius / G-Darius HDBack to top H Hana Taaka Daka!?Back to top I Ibara Insector XBack to top J Jetsons, The: Invasion of the Planet Pirates / Youkai BusterBack to top K Kabuki Z KickMaster Kiki Kaikai Kiki KaiKai: Dotou-hen Kuri KintonBack to top L Legend of Kage 2, The Legend of Kage, The Liquid Kids Little Samson Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Lufia: The Legend Returns Lufia: The Ruins of LoreBack to top M Megablast Metal Black Monkey Puncher Mystical FighterBack to top N NewZealand Story, The New Zealand Story Revolution Night Striker Ninja Kids Ninja Saviors, The: Return of the Warriors Ninja Warriors, The Ninja Warriors, The (SNES)Back to top P Panic Restaurant Parasol Stars Pocky & Rocky Pocky & Rocky Reshrined Pocky & Rocky with Becky Pocky & Rocky 2 Power Blade / Power Blazer Power Blade 2 Puchi Carat PuLiRuLaBack to top R Raiden III Rambo III (Arcade) Rastan Rastan Saga II RayCrisis: Series Termination RayForce RayStorm Ray’z Arcade Chronology Recalhorn Roller AcesBack to top S Saint Sword Samurai Nipponichi Sayo-chan Cameos Shikigami no Shiro Shikigami no Shiro III Silent Dragon Slap Fight / ALCON Space Invaders Invincible Collection Spica Adventure Super Nova SyvalionBack to top T Taito Milestones Taito Milestones 2 Taito Milestones 3 Tetra Star: The Fighter Thunder Fox Time Gal Top Speed Twin Cobra II Typhoon GalBack to top W Wardner Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode IIIBack to top X Xain’d SleenaBack to top Y Ys IV: Dawn of Ys / Mask of the SunBack to top Z Zwei: The Arges AdventureBack to top