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Hardcore Gaming 101

Wrestling with Pixels paperback now available on Amazon!

After being in the works for nearly seven years, the paperback version of Wrestling with Pixels is finally publicly available on Amazon!…with some caveats.

Paperback (Color):

Amazon US: $35.00
Amazon UK: £25.00

Paperback (Black & White):

Amazon US: $15.00
(B&W copies coming soon to other Amazon sites)

Digital (Kindle):

Amazon US: $12.99
Amazon UK: £10.00

Also available at all other international Amazon sites.

Digital (PDF):

PDF Download at : $9.99

The Coronavirus has naturally impacted nearly all areas of our lives. For the moment, Amazon appears to be shipping/printing books as normal – they haven’t said anything otherwise and they anticipate these and other HG101 books to be shipped in 1-2 days (in the United States) and 3-4 days (in the United Kingdom). However, their production and shipment time may change in the future as they prioritize essential items.

The Kickstarter backer books have been delayed. The initial plan was that the public book distribution would be handled through Amazon, while Audun (the author / creator of the Kickstarter) would do a separate print run at a different facility for the backer copies, which would be mailed out earlier in March. This is because it’s much more cost efficient when you have a set number of copies to print, as is the case with a Kickstarter. Amazon does not offer this since it’s a print-on-demand – print one copy or print five hundred copies, it still costs the same amount. However, the other printing facility has been closed for a number of weeks to the virus concerns; additionally, Audun himself has been under quarantine since his mother is a healthcare worker. So the release date for the Kickstarter books will be shifted at some point in the future, whenever all of this has calmed down. Kickstarter backers should have received complete PDF/Kindle MOBI copies as of last month – if you haven’t, please drop me a line.