ZX Spectrum Night mode ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Action Fighter Addams Family, The (8-bit) After Burner Ajax Altered Beast Archon Asterix and the Magic Cauldron AthenaBack to top B Bad Dudes Big Trouble in Little China Bionic Commando (Arcade) Black Tiger Blade Runner (1985) Bomberman Series Introduction / Bomberman (1983) Bonanza Bros. BreakThru Bubble Bobble (Console Ports) Bugaboo (The Flea)Back to top C Cabal Chase HQ Colour of Magic, The (Discworld) Commando Crack DownBack to top D Dark Sceptre Desperado Desperado 2 Don’t Buy This: Five of the Worst Games Ever Doomdark’s Revenge Double Dragon Double Dragon 2 (Arcade) Dragon Breed Dragon Spirit Dragon’s Lair (Coleco) Dragon’s Lair: The Legend (Game Boy) Dun Darach Dynamite DuxBack to top E Enduro Racer ESWAT Express Raider ExterminatorBack to top F Final Fight Flying Shark Forgotten WorldsBack to top G Galaxy Force Golden Axe Gradius Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Computer) Guerrilla War Gun.Smoke G-LOC: Air BattleBack to top H Heavy on the Magick HEROBack to top I Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road Into The Eagle’s NestBack to top J Jackal Jim PowerBack to top K Karnov Klax Kyros / DesolatorBack to top L Last Mission Legend of Kage, The Lemmings Lords of Midnight, TheBack to top M Marsport Mercs Minder Montezuma’s RevengeBack to top N NARC NewZealand Story, The Night Shift Ninja Gaiden (Arcade) Ninja Spirit Nosferatu the Vampyre Back to top O OutRunBack to top P Pac-Mania Prince of Persia Psycho SoldierBack to top Q Quartet Questprobe Featuring Human Torch and the Thing Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man Questprobe Featuring The HulkBack to top R Rambo III (Euro PC) Rastan Realm of Impossibility Real Ghostbusters, The (Arcade) Rocky Horror Show, The Rodland Rolling Thunder Rush N’ Attack Rygar (Arcade) R-TypeBack to top S Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo Scramble Spirits Slap Fight / ALCON Sly Spy Smash TV Solomon’s Key Space Harrier II Star Control Strider Strider ReturnsBack to top T Techno Cop Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game Terra Cresta The Goonies (US/EU Computer) Tiger Road Tir Na Nog Turbo OutRun Turrican Turrican II: The Final FightBack to top V ValhallaBack to top W Wanted / Outlaw Where Time Stood Still Wonder Boy Wonder Boy in Monster LandBack to top X Xain’d Sleena XeviousBack to top Y Yie Ar Kung-Fu Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2Back to top # 1942 1943: The Battle of MidwayBack to top