Last Bible
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Another Bible is a strategy offshoot similar to the Majin Tensei games. You play as a young boy named Rashiel who saves a young girl from bandits, which naturally takes them off on big adventures. The overly adorable character designs seems to indicate this is a less serious game aimed at the younger crowd, but it's not terrible. The movement is a little sluggish, and there are weird graphical issues. Whenever you move, the screen only shows the tiles where you can move, leaving everything else blank. You can still see enemies, and it's undoubtedly due to it being on the monochrome Game Boy, but it feels a little weird. While this never got a Game Boy Color re-release, it has been translated into English by the ROM hacking group Aeon Genesis.
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Another Bible (Game Boy)
Another Bible (Game Boy)
Apparently made by Sega, Last Bible Special was only released for the Game Gear, and is much closer to the Megami Tensei series in terms of gameplay. The dungeons are now first person again, removing it heavily from the other Last Bible games. Instead of the usual historical theme, the setting seems to be in biblical times, with a heavy Christian slant - you're given orders by someone who looks much like a Catholic bishop, and the backgrounds are adorned with ornate stained glass windows. And good lord, do they look good. While the static screenshots may look boring, the scrolling is much smoother than even the Super Famicom games, even if it does move slowly. Considering that the Game Gear is an 8-bit system, this is pretty impressive. Otherwise, it's the typical story - as the hero Matel, you must conquer four dungeons and save the day.
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Last Bible Special (Game Gear)
Additional Screenshots
Last Bible
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